Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Canada Day!!

Y'All have a Good Day, eh... ;-)


stevierayv said...

What is this Canada day aboot eh :)

guttridgeg1 said...

you too :-)

MissK said...

Thanks Guttridge :-)

Stevie, it's Canada's Birthday :-)

But if you wanna get technical, eh... it's aboot the British North America Act, which went into effect on July 1, 1867, uniting Upper Canada (now called Ontario), Lower Canada (now Quebec), New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia into a British dominion. Canadians celebrate this day ~ which was formerly known as Dominion Day ~ with parades and picnics, somewhat similar to Fourth of July festivities in the United States.

There ya go ;-)

OldAFSarge said...

Bonne fête du Canada!

MissK said...

A toi aussi Sarge :-)