Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Show Me The Way

"Russian Photographer Daniel Kordan Captures Breathtaking Photos Of Milky Way Mirrored On Salt Flats In Bolivia"

Snatched this series off Twitter

Good Night :-)

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Canadian Concealed Carry?

Seems there's a few petitions going around that could potentially impact Canada's Gun Laws. Most likely wishful thinking with Trudeau a the helm, but hopefully a step in the right direction.... Read below and click on the link to Sign the petition

Legal concealed carry permits in Canada.

The terrorists in Paris reloaded their weapons, over and over, and not one person fired back. They have no right to keep and bear arms in France. No law abiding citizen was able to step up to stop the violence. The same attack could happen here in Canada. Law abiding citizens are barred from carrying a firearm in Canada. Therefore, in light of the above, I call on Justin Trudeau to issue an executive order defining the meaning of justifiable need adding self defense as a justifiable need to carry a firearm. The simple action by Justin Trudeau of defining self defense as "justifiable need" will allow the citizens of Canada the ability to defend themselves and their families, as well as those around them, from any type of deadly attack. 

Sign the Petition 665 names short to reach the number of supporters needed
for the petition to be sent in.

Thank you !

Saturday, January 14, 2017

MissK ~ Chiming In

I've been "dealing" with a few things lately... aren't we all :/
I will find Light at the end of this tunnel,
even if I have to Spark the Blaze myself !!

With that said, Life goes on...

& My Personal Therapist ;-)

I went over to my daughter's country home the other day
and went to town on their wood pile.
Still one of the best ways I know to clear my head.