Hello everyone scrolling by...
Welcome to My World :-)
I would love to know where you're from, what you think about MissK's World, why you come back, how you found me, things like that, anything you wanna share... be anonymous if you want.
After all you guys are why I do this, I like making people smile... Okay fine, I do it for myself, because your comments make me grin ;-)
Have a great day everyone, please come back again, and again... You know where to find me. And don't forget to leave me some words.
Thank you Pissed aka Irish, for the lurking post idea. You're still One of the best around ;-)
Later, MissK :-)
I think it was wirecutter that sent me :)
I come by for the laughs.
here from south dakota
Wirecutter, From Southern Illinois,keep up the good work! FK
via Wirecutter, and have been checking in most days for the laughs & attitude (and The Mrs. is always looking over my shoulder on Beeefcake day....).
Isle of Anglesey, North Wales, UK.
As I told Irish, lurk, lurk, lurk……°_°
Cleveland Ohio...........
i too live in an igloo.
Central Ontario.
You're a daily read after wirecutter sent me over.
Yay another Igloo dweller :-)
Want more comments...
keep it going people ;-)
Hi MissK! From Podunk Texas, you dragged my happy ass over here from wirecutter's and I'm happy to be here!
I lurk everyday lol... Angry Mike sent me.. Cleveland,Ohio
Hello from the hot Arizona desert, MissK. I took a cue from Wirecutter to check your Blog out, and it's now a daily lurk. Funny stuff from both you and Ken (with a quick mention for Irish as well). You all make my day.
Lurking troublemaker from the lovely Sacramento valley, California. Clued in by 'Cutter and lovin' your new blog!
Lurking from central IL, I agree 100% w/ the prev post.
Way down in south Carolina. Followed a link here and just kept coming back.
From the shores of Penobscot Bay,Maine,(sounds like the beginning of an Indian story), enjoying your stuff so I'm here pretty much every day, sent by Wirecutter 'cause he scares the crap out of me and I do whatever he says.
Wait a minute. I just took the poll over on your sidebar. 22 males and 3 females? THREE?? Me and only two others? WTF?
I'm a lurker from San Diego, Mexifornia. Saw one of your comments over at Wirecutter's site and checked out your profile and saw you had a blog of your own, so I come by every now and again to see what's going on.
Keep up the good work... :-)
Smart girl Deb ;-)
Glad to know you're still lurking.
We do need more ladies, as you can see by my survey... not that I mind all the boys :-)
Deb, smart girl, Wirecutter scares the pants off of me too.
Riley from TX via WIreCutter
Anon, from Wirecutter. Love both y'alls interesting humor. Thanks.
Dave from Kansas via wirecutter, If I lurk and have a little crush does that make me a stalker?
Karen in Australia
(originally from Canada)
Anonymous from Kansas, we all have a little crush on MissK, so you're stalking in good company...
stumbled over from wirecutter, just keep coming back for the laughs. keep it up, your good at it.
Another visitor from wirecutter. Great site, I wander by a couple times a day.
J Beck
I'm here for the thoughtful and witty prose. The insightful commentary is top notch.
Strictly as an aside, MissK if you change your profile picture perhaps you can leave your current picture on the sidebar of your page.
WC sent me over to lurk from my farm in WI!
Easier to type without a nail in the finger...
Really enjoy your sense of humor - I admit I "borrow" stuff and email it to my daughter in college.
Try to stop by every day!
"Borrow" anytime WiscoDave :-)
And that finger "nail" incident was, how can I say this? yeah.. fascinating!! ..Great Pic ;-) Glad you're okay btw.
Tennesseeriverrat, thank you for the compliments :-)
As for my pic, perhaps I shall ;-)
Everybody who commented so far, thank you, thank you, thank you :-)
hey missk,i come for the laughs and common sense..feel at home reading wirecutters and your blogs..from yukon territory canada.
Mostly lurk, you always amuse me on Wirecutters page, and haven't failed to make me smile here as well! So even though I don't post very much, I should say thank you for all the smiles you don't even know you've given to so many. Oh, and one foot in the igloo, northern MN.
I saw blurb on wirecutters blog. So I took a look. I come back because of the cute cat pictures.
I am an old retired cop in Vero Beach Florida that lives with three old cats.
I found this place through Wirecutter's blogroll.
I am a constitutionalist metalhead who lives deep inside enemy territory, the Pacific Northwest Communist Occupation Zone (better known as Seattle). My favorite metal bands are Sabaton, Symphony-X, Iced Earth, Saxon and I also like Seattle's own Queensrÿche. I usually just lurk on the III blogs but on occasion I comment.
Here from Occupied Kalifornia. Because you're a friend and you've got a wicked sense of humor.
First wandered over here when wirecutter posted something.
Now I just keep stoppin' by!
Here via Wirecutter, from the outskirts of the liberal bastion known as Pittsburgh PA. Have loved your's and Angel's comments over there, figured I'd enjoy them over here too. Loving what I've seen so far!
Hi AbbyK! Thank God you're here, female reinforcements...
From Wirecutter. I am behind enemy line in the commiewealth of Mass
Feral Irishman (Pissed) sent me. Montauk, MO, with lots of cats.
I think Wirecutter is the source of about 99% of your traffic, darlin!
Anyway, greetings from central Arizona, arguably one of the last remnants of the former American Republic. May God bless and keep all you Canuckistani freedom fighters in the 'interesting' times to come. :D
From The Feral Irishman . Dave from Louisiana ! Just curious !
Howdy MissK.
I usually am over on Wirecutters site and I read a few of your comments and thought I'd pay you a visit. You sound like someone that
I'd like to jawbone with so, here I am. I live in the Pacific Northwest pretty close to the Canadien border,sooooo, howdy neighbor!! I'll come a calling. Won't be every day, but close to it. Like your site.
I found this blog over at Wirecuttter's too. You do great work, so I come back often.
I stopped by the first time 'cuz my top secret spying software said I got some hits from you. I came back for the profile picture 'cuz I'm a dirty old man.
LOL Walter, I'll take that ;-)
The Feral Irishmen sent me. I'm in the middle of nowhere North Carolina.
I like the eclectic content of the Blog, it makes me want to sit down and have a drink with you and see where the conversation goes.
Thank you for all the comments everyone...
I'm glad to have you all in My World ;-)
I'm happy and floored at all the people that come by, never expected this <3
I love to lurk... especially on hot chicks blogs :)
Great stuff!
Joined today! didn't realize until today your site was here. Thanks for listing me under favorites. the rat
An official Welcome to you Barfly.. lurk all you want, comments are nice too ;-)
Welcome Mr.Rat. Your blond jokes are pretty good. I hope you find something you like here... :-)
Another Kansan, glad to have found you, linked from Feral Irishman. Keep it up! III to III.
Arizona via Wirecutter. Might have to stay a while and lurk a little deeper.
Welcome Anon... glad to have you.
Arizona Harley Dude, By all means... ;-)
Las Vegas, NV. Via Irish/Wirecutter. Seeking humor and pictures of scantily clad babes interspersed with perspectives from right-leaning individualists.
Texas .... Via Wirecutter/Irish
Got sent over here via a link on hiswiserangels site.
Saw your profile pic and thought that I needed to check this hot chick's site out.
Glad I have.
I'm hiding in the mountains of Idaho.
I found your link at gottagetdrunkfirst. You have a superb site. Steve from South Sask.
What web site is this? I was over
on Busty Asian Beauties and tried to link into a chat room and ended up here. I don't see any Asian Beauties, just a redhead in the side bar. Momma always told me not to get involved with redheads so
where is the Exit?
Dazed and confused
in the Geographic center of ConUS
Millwright :)
LOL you crack me up Millwright.
Welcome to My World... ;-)
just found ya.
From Eastern Kansas and was sent here by a buddy. I'm an old guy and your chilly pic with a gun sent shivers up and down me spine! Very Nice!
Another Kansas guy here, I came by way of wirecutter too.
a link from Wirecutter about some kind of toe ;-)
Charlevoix, Michigan
Not mine I hope.... Welcome Mark ;-)
And a double Welcome to the Kansas boys :-)
I'm a first time lurker,from North Carolina,"grumpy bastard "sent me.I love guns,freedom ,and redheads-not ness.in that order.I'll be back,because,well,redheads.
By way of Grumpy Bastard eh... Well, glad you found the place... Enjoy ;-)
Guns and tits! Seriosly ? I dont remember how I found you but im glad I did. Im kind of a luddite and cant figure out how to put my name on this but i would if i could .
I have no idea how I ended up here. But I DO remember the post. Hot Attitudes. Been hooked ever since. Thanks, You, MissK!
I went from wirecutter to hiswiserangel to you. Love the humor, but damn your eyes for making me listen to crankyjohn's "I'm Not Like Everbody Else" three times in a row. I not only blew my speakers, but I think that I'm deaf now. Or maybe I think I'm deaf because my speakers are blown or I'm deaf and my speakers are okay or........ from western PA.XXXOOO
Hello Miss K
Maybe someday will meet in Idaho.
Surfing from Wirecutter and Irish.
Love the fact that there is another Igloo dweller around. Now all I need is a refridgerator salesman to make my day.
Love the site and the posts. I've become a regular lurker.
Cool! Another Canuck :-)
Welcome Chris... Happy Lurking ;-)
I clicked on your name from one of your comments over at Wirecutter's site that nearly had me spraying coffee through my nose onto my laptop. I like your stuff and added you to my blogroll.
Thanks Heroditus... that's always a welcomed reaction ;-)
But I am wondering what comment it was??
Oh and welcome to My World, and thanks for the add.
Alex from Georgia... Kenny sent me. Love your blog. Women and Guns, love em both...
I stumbled in here from either Plan of the Day or the Daily Timewaster, not sure which. Doesn't really matter, nice place you've got here. I've linked to your blog from my blog so I don't need to leave a trail of bread crumbs to get back.
A shout out to Alex from Georgia, Welcome :-)
OldAFSarge, glad you stumbled on My World, and thanks for linking, I did the same for you :-)
Thank You for putting me on your links.I wish you the best with your blog.
Rufus King
I followed the RedHead links from KurtP's trainwreck
I have no idea how I got here... the last thing I remember was chasing a white rabbit and falling, falling, falling... but the blog is so exquisite, I count this a happy day, and I humbly thank you for your efforts.
You're welcome Rufus :-)
Mulligan, welcome to My World :-)
Added you to my blog roll.
Exquisite, wow! Thanks Slobyskysa :-)
I'm glad you followed the white rabbit... have fun ;-)
Cruising Wirecutter's links and found you. From the very stickiest of sticks of CLE/AKRON Ohio. You're Canadian...Neat-O! Mum's from Algonquin area...and with Oblammo at the helm I wish she'd never left...
Welcome to My World Billygoat :-)
I "Hope" & Pray Oblammo's Last Term will be short lived....
Dave in TN
Lurked on over from AngryMikes's. Now I lurk by every day.
Just found you via Proof Positive. Now that I know you're here, I'll be back.
Une quebecoise, eh? Formidable!
Hey Dave in TN :-)
Happy lurking, glad you're like the place... ;-)
Anon, je n'suis pas quebecoise, mais plutot d'la province bilingue d'a côté, et oui, c'est formidable aussi... ;-)
Well MissK, You even have a Lurking Page. I'm reading at my blog of your love of lurking. Everyone does it, but I heard it will make us guys go blind.
OK, until we meet again ... on the "Back Pages".
Found this from Bayou Renaissance Man, Via George Hill's Mad Ogre.
Love your style and attitude.
Reminds me of suggestions that we trade the NE and W coast for the unruined parts of Canada, and have done with the, the, ah hell, You know who they are.
Okie from Muskogee.
VAX out.
You have encouraged me to be passionate again, reminded me that I am female, yet I can do ALL things... Dallas/Fort Worth in Texas.
Got some traffic from here and stopped by to see what's cookin'.
Hi from Littleton, Colorado.
Hey Odie, lurking is actually a very useful tool... ;-)
Welcome to My World :-)
An Okie from Muskogee, eh... Awesome!
Glad you found me Sam :-)
Anon, took me a while to reply you, I hope you're still around :-)
What you said is a huge compliment, you humble me. That I could have this effect on someone, especially another woman is astonishing to me. Thank you, for sharing your thoughts... :-)
Very cool of you to stop in Billll, hope you will again... ;-)
Well MissK I have been lurking around for quit some time. I may have even posted once or twice but I can't remember. I am an old retired guy who enjoys what you post. Both the written word and the pics. Anyways I happened on to this Canada joke and thought I'd share. So I wish you all the best and I know what you mean by some thinking this internet deal is a hobby. Much, much more than that to me and you and many that follow you. I even see a few here I know, Woodsterman and Diogenes Sarcastica to name a couple, both great folks.
Now the joke. I think it might be true, too! :)
A young cowboy from Regina goes off to college in Ontario . Half way through the semester, he has foolishly squandered all his money. He calls home.
"Dad," he says, "You won't believe what modern education is developing! They actually have a program here in Waterloo that will teach our dog, Ol' Blue how to talk!"
"That's amazing," his Dad says. "How do I get Ol' Blue in that program?"
"Just send him down here with $1,000" the young cowboy says. "I'll get him in the course."
So, his father sends the dog and $1,000.
About two-thirds of the way through the semester, the money again runs out. The boy calls home.
"So how's Ol' Blue doing son?" his father asks.
"Awesome, Dad, he's talking up a storm," he says, "but you just won't believe this - they've had such good results they have started to teach the animals how to read!"
"Read!?" says his father, "No kidding! How do we get Blue in that program?"
"Just send $2,500, I'll get him in the class."
The money promptly arrives. But our hero has a problem. At the end of the year, his father will find out the dog can neither talk, nor read.
So he shoots the dog.
When he arrives home at the end of the year, his father is all excited. "Where's Ol' Blue? I just can't wait to see him read something and talk!"
"Dad," the boy says, "I have some grim news. Yesterday morning, just before we left to drive home, Ol' Blue was in the living room, kicked back in the recliner, reading Shakespeare, like he usually does.
Then he turned to me and asked, "So, is your daddy still messing around with that little blonde who lives down the street?"
The father exclaimed, "I hope you shot that SOB before he talks to your mother!"
"I sure did, Dad!"
"That's my boy!"
The kid went on to law school, and now serves in Ottawa as a Senator.
Came your way, MissK, via Ken Lane. Live in Bellingham, WA & Fredonia, NY. Can see Canada from the porch of both houses. From Bellingham I look north up the Guide Meridian & see the mountains north of Aldergrove, BC. In NY I look across Lake Erie & see Nanticoke & Port Dover in Ontario. Gotta thank Kenny.
Just lurking... uuuh... LOOKING.
Cordite in the Morning said your site is awesome. He's right.
Wirecutter, From Arkansas
found you through angrymike. love the site
just starting my own blog so I hope to get as good as yours soon
GTrick from Mentor Ohio, South side of Lake Erie. Lurking aaaand loving it! Spotted your profile pic on a comment at Irish and had to see what that hottie was all about. Enjoying getting to know you! Keep up the great work.
- GTrick
just a prairie gopher somewhere north of Moose Jaw and south of Saskatoon. Great blog! you have convinced me to start my own!
Lurking from Houston Tejas
Just bouncing around. At 'Coffee with the Hermit' I saw & visited 'dixiecritter' & saw 'Missk's World' at the top of that list, so I here I am.
I like it, I'll be a lurker for awhile...
Dave in Oregon...I think it went thesilicongraybeard, iowntheworld, diogenesmiddlefinger, feralirishman, MissKsworld, but who can be sure.
Nice site.
Stumbled across your site. WOW! I'm from Missouri my site is midwestrebel.blogspot.com. All I can say at tis time is DAMN! I wish we lived closer!
Happy American Thanksgiving greetings ma'am. I've been checking your site regularly since I was referred to same by Ken L. Whether or not you are who you say you are matters not though I will say it makes great fantasy for a single retired attorney / broker sleazeball (I guess that makes me a dirty old man, could be worse I guess) but the reason I really enjoy your site is the same as that for which I'm drawn to Wirecutter's site - plain & simple - High IQ, thought provoking commentary on life. You both represent that spirit and station in life I covet and failed to satisfactorily accomplish over my roller-coaster professional lifetime...bottom line, I guess I'm jealous but most appreciative.
Here's wishing you all the very best in your life's endeavors girl, (I wish I knew for sure). Regardless, you seem to me to be, to have, a good spirit and you deserve to be rewarded therefore, however you define 'reward'...
Pete McG
Punta Gorda, FL
Came over from Doubletroubletoo a couple of days ago. Enjoying so far.
Keep up the good work.
jack in AZ.
I don't know how I got here, but I like it. I used to check out wirecutter, but I think he quit didn't he? Like your site.
While I'm able just a BIG :-) for you
Will be moving in a couple months, going off grid , so may be awhile before I can :-) to you
Great site!! Came here from Wirecutter's place. Livin in LA ( lower Alabama). Putin' ya on my favorites list.
Love the blog, I am a hopeless romantic, world traveler, poet, military, conservative, et al, and I find it refreshing to find others with similar interests. Guns, babes, cars, politics... WHAT! awesome blog keep it up. Obviously more abut you too! The TODD
I was at 90 miles from tyranny (partially of interest to me because I also am from FL) and saw your photo in their member's list, thought "Now there's a good use of rule 5", and clicked the link. The first thing that fought my attention once here was your lurker's post. Now I have to find out if the rest of your site is engaging enough to bookmark you.
Lurking from Kansas, by way of The Feral Irishman. I have not even made a comment over there. Love your pics. Kansas
Came over here from Wirecutter's place. Good humor, a little snarkiness from time to time, and red hair is a hard combination to beat. Not a blogger myself, but enjoy the blogs of many others including yours of course.
Fred G from Omaha, Nebraska
Came thru link to Weekend forecast pic, from my collegue :)
Wolfik from Prague, the hearth of the Europe!
google sent me when I looked for flamethrowers.
I got here via 90 Miles From Tyranny
lasagna from Va. Angry sent me. In this insane world, the bloggers I lurk keep me sane and smiling. Your on my daily roll now. Thanks
Knuckledragging provided the link.
Cool website, Miss K! Greetings from Ocala, Florida
Fellow Canadian via Feral Irishman. Great to see another person who doesn't mindlessly follow Justin Tru-dope.Love dawgs too. Lurking.
MissK, Hello from the extreme northern reaches of Idaho just a hop, skip and jump from Montana. I'm afraid you'll have to blame Woodsterman for me finding your blog, but now that I found it, I plan on staying, IF you'll have me.
I found your site from The feral irishmans site it's good to see another northern blogger.
Think I'm in love...
Think I'm in love...
Wirecutter sent me. I appreciate all your warm Southern hospitality!
Easy on the trigger finger there Anon... ;-)
Thanks to everyone one who left me a comment. I may not get to reply to all of you, but I do enjoy!!
It was the "Cinder Cone" piece posted on Peter's blog that sent me over here. Seems like a nice place.
But I have a question for you: How does a Canadian become a Threeper? You Tories were the enemy!
Greetings from the Texas hill country! Don't know much about Canada aside from watching Trailer Park Boys. :P
Wandered here a year or so ago, can't remember what path I took. Likely followed a link mentioning redheads with guns. A dangerous combination, but highly addictive.
Your site is entertaining on many levels, hard to stop reading.
Gotcha bookmarked, and I peek in from time to time. Not much of a poster anywhere I go, though.
You seem to have a good head on your shoulders. Treat yourself well; you deserve it!
EBF, thanks for that "rare" comment, and the nice words ;-)
Good question Antibubba, I'll give you the short version... One thing leads to another, you meet people along the way who make you stop and think, you learn to love 'em and hang around for more ;-)
Wirecutter sent me. Just a patriotic American who hates the Gov., I like guns, booze, and tits.
Wooster man has a link so I checked you
out. I like it. From North Carolina.
Wirecutter sent me too.
Fellow Canadian trying to figure out how to get my guns and ass to Nicaragua.
I don't know if this has been asked but do you have small hands or is that a Desert Eagle .50 cal in your profile photo? It looks huge.
I like your site Miss K
Hello from Virginia. Didn't lurk for long. Found a link on Woodsterman's site yesterday. I like your sense of "self" - sure your humor but also your confidence and the ideas you set forth. And it's hard to resist a stunning redhead - I'm just glad we never met under other circumstances. I hate nursing a broken heart.
Been dropping by once in while since knuckledraggin I. Good fun, common sense and sweet wit .... you go girl.
near the door of mordor
Not even sure how I got here. Glad I found it - not enough Canadian blogs like this.
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