I dare ya, be Courageous enough to look...
Here, This might come in handy ;-)

Moochelle's Latest Adventure found over @ Hookers and Booze
My apologies... I saw it totally by accident and didn't want to be disgusted all by my lonesome, couldn't help myself, had to share... ;-)
But doesn't that last frame make you wanna point like a little kid
and laugh your fucking ass off.... Bwahahahaha!!!
Y'know,given that we are used to seeing sexy babes and funny cartoons at your site,that was a dirty trick first thing in the morning.
Apology not accepted.
You did that on purpose.
Naughty girl.
I bet the handlers will get a good beating for this.
Bill, Honey, I gave you fare warning. Have I ever warned you about my hotties before? ;-)
Besides, the labels give you a pretty good idea of what it's about, you just gotta keep an open mind... :D
Yes, yes I am Bob... ;-)
Diesel, if you mean the ones who "let this happen" yeah, I'm sure you're right. I'd like to give them a prize myself, for giving the general delusional "adoring" public a glimpse of exactly how trashy, eh I mean classy these imposters are.
Rutting boar? You nailed it, honey.
Although I can't take credit for the words on the pic, I wholeheartedly agree... Fits her to a T.
Thanks Extexan ;-)
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