Thursday, September 19, 2013


Woke up with a foggy brain.... made his breakfast... made sure she got off to school alright... and I crashed. I hate this cold, I don't feel that bad, I just can't think straight... :/  Weather suppose to be nice this afternoon. I'm hoping some fresh air will help. oh yeah.... FUCK OBAMA!


idahobob said...

Sorry that you are still not feeling 100%.

It was actually foggy here this morn (4:30) when I went out to work out and the full moon was shining through the fog, casting a weird light.

It was pretty cool..


idahobob said...

And now.....picking plums off of my two trees. Man, some of the limbs are like picking huge grape clusters!

Reckon I'll be getting the dehydrator going this afternoon.

Have a great day! ;-)


James Butler said...

Beautiful picture, MissK.

Sorry you are still not feeling well... Hang in there, drink lots of OJ and get plenty of rest... :-(