Saturday, August 3, 2013

"Ignorance" is Putting it Mildly....

...Way too fucking mildly. That these idiots can be influenced so easily. My brain hurts. I wish they would have shown more of the ones that said "Are you fucking serious?!"

"Several students at George Mason University (GMU) signed a petition on Wednesday demanding lawmakers legalize “fourth trimester” abortions."
Seriously? How 'bout we sign a petition to exercise that "right" over you morons. The world would be a better place... "Sure, I'm all for murdering children" Just like that, eh. What the hell has this world come to?? And this is only one facet of the insanity... Lord help us.
Video and Links Below

The petition, which was circulated on GMU’s flagship campus in Fairfax, VA., just outside Washington D.C., by Media Research Center reporter Dan Joseph said it was aimed at sending “a message to our lawmakers that women have the right to choose what to do with their bodies and babies” even “after their pregnancies.”
“If you don’t know what fourth trimester is, it’s after the baby is already born,” Joseph added in a video showing him collect the signatures.
“Currently fourth trimester abortions are illegal in all 50 states,” he told students before asking them to sign his petition.
Most student responses varied from “okay” to “cool.”
One concerned student asked if the procedure would “cause harm to the child.”
“Well the child wouldn’t be there anymore,” responded Joseph. “It’s abortion.”
That student then signed the petition.


ruralcounsel said...

This is why the voting age should be raised to about 30, and an additional restriction of only people who generate their own income or earn a paycheck from someone other than the government should be permitted to vote.

College kids are too easily influenced by the urge to blend and agree with their peers, regardless how asinine the issue. They are still in herd-mentality mode.

Volfram said...

I was about to object and then I realized I'm almost 30. Never been much of a "herd mentality," though.(I actually hated the iPod for years simply because it became popular so fast.)

So this article actually illustrates the slippery slope of allowing later term abortions. If we can murder a child just before they're born, why can't we murder a child just after? If we can murder a child just after they're born, when does it become wrong? Does that vary based on health, sex, or skin tone? Do we just decide that killing "undesirables" is totally OK? Who decides what constitutes "undesirable?"

Every single person who signed that petition deserves to be castrated with a rusty baseball bat.

Kork said...

we now are seeing the result of raising a generation that does not accept the concept of morale absolutes. The idea of the existence of 'ultimate truth' is now soundly rejected.