Monday, June 23, 2014

Coming Clean ~ Part 2

For a little perspective, check out "Coming Clean ~ Part 1"

2014 has been a haphazard year for MyWorld :(
I think it's time I put my cards on the table....

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Prayers Please....

So that These Lawyers do "The Right Thing"
~ Where my daughter is concerned ~

Because it's Her Wishes I'm fighting for...

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

You've Got Dead Rabbits!

Uh... I mean Mail?

"In 1936, Post Office rules stated that game, including rabbits, could be posted with nothing but a neck label as long as ‘no liquid is likely to exude’."

Is this familiar to any of you??

Ya Think? ;)

Lesson Learned...

A little something to think about... ;-)

~ Finally Quiet ~

About Time....

            Art by Sophie Griotto

I was expecting, and so looking forward to My Quiet Monday last week,
but nooo... let's just say my week got a little loaded :/
At least I got a lot done, and things are still going according to "plan"...

...MY Plan ;-)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Piano Anyone?

Come on, tell me you tried it ;-)

Stoopid Hoomans... :P

I Miss This...

My Dad was awesome about stuff like this. He rigged up one for each of us in the basement... so we could play on them all year round.  Works even better then on a tree when it hangs off the framing. With no restriction or things to slam into, you can fly around with ease... Ah! Freedom :D

Uh... What Did I Just Walk in On??

Good Morning Peoples... :)

Friday, May 9, 2014


I will never complain about my job again...

Maybe your job is below.
For your sake, I hope not... ;-)

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Gorgeous Beast

~ Little Red Wirecutter ~

Karma... ;)

Based on a True Story... :/

The Perks of "Still" Living in The Shack...

"WE" caught another mouse. That's 5 in a row now. One per day. He did his part.... opened the cabinet door and gazed at it for a few seconds... I'm assuming by cocking his head to the side, wondering if the dead mouse in the trap was the same one who spoke to him last night while he slept. Excited at the prospect that all that hard work is finally paying off.... Seeking revenge on the little motherfuckers is much sweeter when all you do is open the cabinet door the next day to wonder if the fallen rodent smooshed before you is a different one then the one you had contemplated in the trap the day before, then you realize it's been mutilated in a whole different way. Yep, we caught another. Time to close the door. "WE did a good job", HE says..... Umm Hmmm....

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Rise & Shine... :)

I'm feeling a bit better today... if only
my brain would wake up :P
At least they're calling for some sun, no more
of this dreary shit... please!

Monday, May 5, 2014

It's Only Fitting....

...That I make a Congratulatory Post for a fellow blogger.
"One" who's reached a noteworthy milestone a few days ago.

Here's a lovely screen cap I snatched off his site
to commemorate this achievement.

~ Bravo!! Angry One ~

Gotta give credit where credit is due... less than 2 years in...
That's a pretty good achievement for a Pissed off Redneck ;-)
And honestly, I would still be on top :P
If faith hadn't intervened :/

I'll be fair, my stumble has no bearing on
His "Awesome Numbers" ~snort~

My own fault for going into hibernation and letting things slide...

So how 'bout a nice fireworks display in the meantime??
~ Drone Style ~
I really like the flyby at 44 seconds :D

And I see no reason why I can't have a little fun along the way,
at SomeOne's expense, of course... ;D

I tried to snatch a more interesting screen cap for kicks

Darn, missed it by a whole 27 hits :P

But it don't matter, cuz I know Your Secret.... ;D

Finally Quiet....

It's turning out to be a somewhat lazy day.
I got a cold so I'm resting.... yuk :/

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Good Morning... :)

Yeah yeah, I know, it's a night picture.
I'm taking it as my weekend picture...

Looking Forward to My Quiet Monday...
At least I'm posting eh ;-)

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Pretty Redheads... ;)

To put a smile on your face... :-)
~ That simple ~

The Infamous "Nail"

Oh my... I just used "Had to" in my last 2 posts... Grrr

Seems I'm harboring some guilt for not posting as much as I would like to. That is NOT how I want to run my blog. I can't fully disclose about what's going on in my life at the moment, but I can say this...

Friday, May 2, 2014

Had To Say Good Morning... :)

Is it May already?!? O_o
What the fuck is that? Snow?? Sheesh... :/

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Moving Forward...

As I recently mentioned,
a Little Update for My Readers ;-)

Y'all remember my "Road Trip" about a month ago,
well it turns out I went to do a little "Window Shopping" :-)

Meet My New Ride :D

It's been years since I had a car to call my own.
This was long overdue, and I must say,
a very Liberating Step in the Right Direction ;-)

For those interested, I added a few pics to my sidebars...

Thursday, March 27, 2014


To whom it may concern,
I removed "the image in question" from My Post. My apologies, it was emailed to me as is, with no copyright info covering the image. Have a good day. 
- MissK ;-)

Bad Ass Turd!

Yo Mouth Ever Get You in Trouble??

Come on, Spill.....

~ How "Unprofessional" ~


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Another Reason to say "FUCK YOU!"

HA! :P

Snatched from Mike Miles ;-)


Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy Saint Paddy's ;)

Had to stop in and say Hey,
and wish everyone a Happy Saint Paddy's... ;-)

I'm real busy taking care of "things". But soon, I'll be able to spend
as much time as I want on the blog... can't wait.
But in the meantime, I'll stop in as often as I can.
Missing you guys... <3

Saturday, March 8, 2014

~ When Satire Hits Home ~

Perhaps a botched lobotomy explains it ;-)
Actually, this kinda reminds me of
the "Deer Crossing" incident.

Liberal Logic @ it's finest...

One Should Never Bitch...

...about something he or she is not ready
to do themselves

Just Shut the Fuck Up and Do it!!


Can't wait till it's warm enough to open the windows.
At the expense of My Igloo, I know... :-(
Maybe next winter, My Igloo will take on a whole new look ;-)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

~ I'm Here ~

I miss My World, and you guys...

Things are gonna be haphazard for a while, but I'm here and where ever I go, My World is coming with. I'm just really glad y'all are still around, even if I don't post much lately. And yes, I think you're Awesome ;-)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Sharing Sucks!

A Little MissK Weirdness... ;)

Y'all know I love my quiet time. Well some days it's a little harder to come by, so I kinda have to find some at slightly unconventional hours. Hence the occasional 3am posts. So earlier today I pop into Wirecutter's place and notice this little guy... I thought to myself "Hmm... This is perhaps a tad too familiar".... minus the morning wood of course ;-)

Relaxing Day @ Sea....

Tag! You're It!