Sunday, September 8, 2013

Friday, September 6, 2013

~ Redefining Doggy Style ~

Payback ;-)


I've had a cassette tape melt before...
Remember those?
They curl like bacon ;-)

So? Can Anyone Confirm or Deny?

Maybe they drink to make the men look cuter ;-)

Mmmm... Beard... ;-)

Yeah, We Should Be Sensitive... My Ass!

Adorably Disturbing ;)

I wonder how many of you can relate to this...  ;-)

My dog is way too big, but my cats, 
it's a whole other story... ;D

Happy Friday Everyone!!

A Big Thank You for helping me reach My Goal of 
100 members by My Blog Anniversary :-D

Couple days ago, I never thought it would happen... 
Ask and ye shall receive, eh ;-)

Have an Awesome Day Everyone
Gotta get my ass to work... Laters ;-*

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Unless It Was "Who's The Worst Ever?"


Reader Questions :)

In regards to my 100 member request... :-)

I've had a few readers email with questions on how to follow. 

Find My Members list, top left sidebar. Click where either arrows is pointing. This will help you sign up for a Blogger or Google account if you don't already have one. Some people don't wanna give out personal info, nothing wrong with that, make up some fake info ;-)  

If you already have an account, just sign in and add ~ MissK's World ~ to your follow list. 

Little side note, if you sign up using a little picture for your profile, like the ones you see in the screen caption I used, you'll be added to the front. If you don't use a picture, you'll be added towards the back of the list, but you're still there, and you can always add one later if you want. If it works my member number, which is now 92, should go up by one.

Update: If you follow "anonymously" seems I can't see you :( but that's ok...

I hope this helps. You can email with questions if you want, I'll do my best to help if I can. 

My "Wishful Thinking" deadline is tomorrow, let's say Friday night, midnight your time, where ever that is. Seems fair eh ;-) For those who want to, it would be Awesome to have you on board by then. But really it don't matter, hop over the fence when and if you feel like it :-)

Good Morning :)

I know this is early for most of you, but this is how it feels here today. The air is chilly and crisp. But the sky is not this blue. Kinda gray actually, it should get nicer this afternoon. And I do like the Fall, just seems like it comes in with a bang as soon as Labor Day weekend goes by. And we all know what comes after Fall...  Ok never mind, I don't wanna rush it, we still have a couple months to go, I hope... ;-)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Thought So ;)

~ My Saturday ~

I was a Tint Virgin, Never done it before ;-)

So I looked up a few videos online. Watched the best one a couple times. Good thing, because I really had no idea about the ins and outs of getting it done like a pro.  Still talking about window tint here... ;-)

Just being silly :-) I did the back 3 window, and I think I did a pretty good job, especially since this was my first time and all... ok I'm gonna stop talking now....

I took a pic if you wanna see :-)

Half A Million! :D

On the first day of school last year,
September 6th, I launched My World.... 
On the first day of school THIS year, 
I hit half a million views :-)

~ I think this is pretty awesome!! ~
And totally not what I expected 
when I first started.

But it's a really nice surprise ;-)

Good Morning... I Mean Afternoon ;)

Just getting home from work....
Ahh!! more lovely silence :-)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Oh Shit!

That was a fucking close call O_o

Tu l'as échappée belle mon chum... :/

Hmmm... I Wonder...

~ Swimming In Fur ~


Silence! Glorious silence!!

Grade 11 ~ Day 1

She picked Spanish and Drama Class for her Option Courses. 
I really hope she got 'em.
Looking forward to hearing all about it :-)

~ But for now, I shall enjoy my silence ~

Rise & Shine....

Time to get ready for school.... Ah Man!! :/

I think she had like 5 different alarms 
set this morning, plus two of mine. 
Each with their own snooze functions... 
Damn smartphones :P

And Here I Thought You Were Taking Forever Because.... ;)

If Irish Was A Pussy...

...He'd be "Pissed" ;-)

Get that Bitch!


Yeah, I'm An Optimist ;)

I know I can be naive sometimes, but I believe everything happens for a reason, and God would not put something in our hearts without some way to achieve it. Things may get worse for a while, but they will get better. If we keep focused on the prize, whatever that may be. So let's keep moving forward, and don't forget to enjoy the journey :-)

Oh Dear, seems I got into the wine again
Kidding, only had a couple glasses earlier ;-)

I do like my rose colored glasses though ;D

Monday, September 2, 2013

Load of Bull!!

 A few days ago, the tv was left on after a show that we usually watch, and the news came on. They were going through the headlines as I got busy making supper. I had to pause for a moment to take in the fucking hypocrisy in the Assbama words they referred to. Like anything that comes out of his pie whole, Total Bullshit!! And these people say it like it means something... 

Labor Day Hotties ;)

Hope y'All have a Fun & Restful Day....

Doing something you enjoy :-)

Good Morning World :)

Happy Labor Day!

Enjoy Your Day Off...

Don't just smell 'em, eat 'em... ;-)



Guess "That Couch" was just a little 
too comfortable :P

Oh You Little Shit!

~ Fuck You!! ~

Just felt like saying that... ;-)

Oh Dear! :/

~ Gasp ~

I missed (posting) a Day O_o

On the upside, just ONE. MORE. DAY!!!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

~ Bacon Day ~

I was sure Bacon Day had already been Celebrated this year... 
But it turns out it was Pig Day, back in March. Figures that Bacon would need more then one Holiday a year... ;-)

So in honor of Bacon Day, 
I offer you a Visual Bacon Tour for your taste buds... 
Heck, pretty much all your senses
Enjoy ;-)

Bear Season Yet? ;)

Back to "Work" I go.... Laters ;-)

Good Morning :)

Last Saturday before school starts...
Nice weather and lots to do. 
Hope y'all have a Great Day :-)

Good Night... ;)

Now how can I resist that?

See y'all in the morning ;-)

Friday, August 30, 2013

It Fits :)

~ It's the Little Things ~

Wasn't sure about this one, but ok... ;-)

Like I said, try anything once.....

Good Morning Peeps...

~ 3 More Days ~

All I can say is...

~ Cheers ~