Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Ultimate Blog War Duel

A Notable Milestone

A few days ago, I got this little screen cap
off my blogger stats. That's a lot of Howdy Ma'ams! :D

Although, I think 'bout half of those
came from Ray, Bob and Billf... ;-)

Regular or not, thanks to everyone
who put in their "two cents worth" :-)


That Pussy's an Ass :P

~ A little Caturday Humor ~

Your cat may not always be plotting to kill you,
oh but he is plotting...

Good Morning!

I really like those colors :-)
Anyone know what they got growing there?

Friday, May 8, 2015

Friday Night Reds ~ Into the Woods!

Since I've been spending more and more time out there lately,
I thought these pretty redheads were a good fit, eh ;-)

Now it is ;)

It's been a long week. I never made it out to "Play" as my last post suggested. Had some car issues on the way out, which thankfully turned out to be very minor. But even minor things like a fucking loose connector can leave you stranded for a while. Especially when the "error messages" you get are random and unrelated ~shaking head~ Gotta love GM :/
Dare I say, conspiracy for extra dealership traffic?... :P

Anyways... Back in running order. Tools/toys are loaded up and ready for the next ride out, hopefully tomorrow.

And in the meantime, since it is Friday... How 'bout some Reds ;-)

Check back in a few, and have an awesome Friday!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Finally Done!

Tax Time... Ain't it fun... :/
Gotta love phone tag with "foreign" people???

Yippee!! At one point, I was on a chat thingy for the program I was using, attempting to work through a software glitch. I waited over an hours while the following four lines alternated about one per minute....

One of our Customer Specialists will be right with you.
All agents are currently busy. Please stand by.
An agent will be with you in a moment. Thank you for your patience.
The next available Agent will be with you in a moment.

Needless to say, the screen was full of shit :P

Then I get the message:
Onisokonikumen S: How may I assist you?

Oh great, I thought, and proceeded to write out my issue.

Then he answers:
Thank you for your patience. It will be another moment.

Several minutes later, he comes back with... 
Looking into it. 

Then I get this fucking message:
Thank you for contacting us. You may now close this window.
Your session has ended.

Like seriously!?
What kind of fucking customer service is that??

After more bullshit, I finally got to the nitty-gritty of it.
And I have to say it was really easy, compared to the previous years.

Looking at a bigger picture here, if feels so weird to do these "simple" things, not thinking about how it could affect EVERYONE else. To live just for me, and my daughter of course as she is part of me. I just can't remember ever having this feeling.

And I'm loving it more and more everyday :-)

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

No Worries....

I didn't get lost out there O_o

Just juggling work and them damn taxes :/

Please "bear" with me...

 And Stay tuned for our regularly scheduled programming ;-)

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Totally in Love with This Senario

Side Note: I have a few Road Trip Highlights I would like to share.
A little glimpse to where I've been ;-)

The thing is, I took some pictures with my phone, and some with an old camera I had, but I gotta fiddle with it to get the pics off.  So I'm gonna work on that later, cuz right now, I'm in the mood to drive out to My Woodlot and explore. Almost all the snow is gone, and I'm very curious on how things look out there... Be back soon :-)

Thursday, April 9, 2015

I Be Grinnin' :D

~ Hitting The Road ~

I'll update y'all when the Wifi kicks in...

In the meantime, have one on me ;-)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Just Passing Through...

Between renovations in my apartment, work, and prepping for a highly anticipated road trip, I've been a little busy over the last few days... More soon :-)

If you don't get the reference, revisit THIS post ;-)

Monday, April 6, 2015

MissK ~ The Younger Years

Protecting da precious bacon seed ;-)

Ahh.... Spring is in the Air

Damn it!!!

Well it's not that bad, although we did get close to a foot over the weekend.
I really thought spring was here :( Dare I say it? For the fifth time now...
This was the last storm!!!! I better be right this time :P

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

It's Been A Long Day.....

....Early to bed. Sweet Dreams ;-)

My Own Little Paradise

I recently got my hands on an awesome little woodlot.
I took this first pic a few weeks ago. The snow was still way too deep to venture in,
so I snapped a shot off the neighbor's land.

Last Friday I decided to strap on my snowshoes...

Amen :)

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Roll up the Rim ~ Come and Gone

My fellow Canadians know all too well
about this dilemma.

I would get my coffee thinking...
"This one's a car :-)" or better yet...
"A shitload of money!!! :D"
But nope :(

They should save some ink and write "Sorry" instead :P
Comme vraiment là?!! Trois cafés p'un beigne... Grrrr

Then there's the BONUS RIM ??

My Lucky ~ Horse?

Yep, that was him a few minutes ago...
Now he's all pooped ;-)

Notice his faithful hard-as-a-rock
frozen tennis ball by his front paws.
Aka "Chewing Gum"

Amazing Colourised War Images

A few days ago, AngryMike posted a link
to some of these awesome colourised images. 
I thought they were fascinating. Here's a few more of them...

"The Unknown Soldier"

"No Fear"
Lieutenant (later Lieutenant Commander) Walter Lewis Chewning of Cynwyd, Pennsylvania, (February 19, 1914 - February 4, 1990) steps on the burning fuel tank of an F6F-3 Hellcat flown by Ensign (later Lieutenant) Byron Milton Johnson of Potter, Nebraska (May 19, 1920 - February 20, 2005) to effect a successful rescue of the pilot on November 10, 1943. Source
 You can see the rescue @ 5:35 of THIS Video 

Lot's more images below the brake.
Check out the links if you want more info.