Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Just a Few Days Away...

A Life Journey ~ MissK Style

I know a lot of you have been through this before...

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Liberal Logic ~ Height of Hypocrisy


Snatched from Liberalguy... just added to my Blogrolls
Awesome content ~ Go check him out ;-)

"Sheeple in Action" video below the brake...

Friday, August 21, 2015

Quick Trip to My Woodlot

 I took a drive out to My Woodlot yesterday. Hadn't been there in over a month.
I mostly wanted to make sure everything was ok out there, you never know, eh ;-)
And also, mom and my daughter came with, so it was nice to show them
what I had done so far.

I brought some water for the new plants, just in case, but to my delight, they were doing awesome with no help from anyone. I was a little worried since they're not settled in yet, and it hadn't rained for a few weeks. But they looked good, so I guess that means
they like their new home.

Then I saw this little guy. Looks like somebody just had a snack.

I'll be sure to get more pictures soon :-)

Thursday, August 20, 2015

~ No Rest For The Wicked ~

I started this post last night, then set it aside 'till today.
Because simply put... I'm fucking pooped!!!
I just dove 16 hours straight getting back to my daughter and our igloo.
39 hours without sleep... I need another nap :P

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Ain't That The Truth ;)

~ Pic Snatched from Irons in the Fire ~

My Lucky is a pest on the matter.
Every time I go to give him a scratch, he'll swing his body around hoping to get a nice butt scratch. I just keep switching sides on him :P It's pretty funny watching him trying to get me to that "special" spot... They make life so much more interesting ;-)

Friday, August 14, 2015

What The Hell You People Looking For?

How do random people end up on my blog?

I looked at my stats to see what key words people
type into search engines....

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Dafuck Outa My Face!

This is going out to a "Special" person.... :P

~ Shooting Stars Aplenty ~

I never thought of it last night :(

Hope I can catch a few tonight ;-)
Y'all see any?

Something To Think About...

I was searching the blogsphere and came across the following quote:

"What we remember is not what actually happened,
not history, but those hackneyed impressions they tried
to hammer into our memories by constant repetition.”
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, GULAG Archipelago

It got me thinking about how skewed the perception of history is these days.
How much of it is agenda driven. How much is forgotten or purposely set aside...

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

MissK ~ Camo Time!!

I caught the crafty bug over the weekend.
Figured I should do something about it.
So I went to get me some camo paint...
And went to work :-)

Now, keep in mind, I've never done this before.
Victim #1 : an empty kitty litter bucket.
I thought it would be an easy target for my first ever camo job.
Turned out pretty good. Well, I thought so ;-)

Friday, August 7, 2015


My drink of choice for the night....
Good ol' Canadian beer ;-)

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Update From Canada...

Snatched this one from Odie ;-)


The Royal Canadian Mint has just announced they are going to remove
the polar bear from the $2 coin in view of its demise due to global warming.

At the height of political correctness, they will replace it with 2 gay deer.

The coin will now be called “2 fuckin’ bucks"!

~ Fresh From The Oven ~

I'm enjoying a piece as I write this ;-)
Can you smell it?

My favorite banana bread. Super moist.
I even made a few tweaks ;-)
If anyone cares for the recipe, let me know
and I'll add it to the post.

Recipe added, just click below to see...

MissK ~ Roaming The Lakeside ;)

I'm gonna find a spot where I can actually roam the beach.
But in the meantime, this little lakeside park peaked my curiosity.
I got a few nice shots out of it :-)

The weather's so nice out here...

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Friday, July 24, 2015

MissK ~ Backwoods Trekking

Had a really nice day out in nature.
Here's a few of my favorite shots...

Watch your back! ;-)

Bet You Can't Have Just One... ;)

~ So Simple ~

Click for more if you want the Recipe :-)
I added a closeup pic at the end <3

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Gently Cooling Off...

I had the oven door slightly open, so I figured I should
snap a pic, for those who like cheesecake ;-)
~ Stay tuned for the mouthwatering end shot ~

Note to Self...

....Avoid excessive sunlight in combination with high levels of caffeine, and lack of sleep.

P.S. Cheesecake in the works... ;-)

I Has Landed!

Well, last night actually ;-)

16 hours later... not a snowflake in site.
Monster trees line the roads, screeching beetles to be heard
from miles around. It's pleasantly warm
with a slight breeze in the air. Perfect place to put my boots up and relax for a while. I'll get use to the beetles :P

I feel a sudden urge to go make a cheesecake...

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Good Night :)

Time for bed... I'm hitting the road in the morning.

Sweet Dreams ;-)

MissK Carving ~ Incognito Style

Here's a peek at the carving I made this past week.
It's a surprise for a friend... 

Shhh, no telling ;-)

Sunday, July 19, 2015


Busy busy week getting a bunch of loose ends tied up. Went up river to my daughter's apartment, like three times. Came back to home base to work on a carving I'm doing for a friend. Went down river to my woodlot and got a few more plants settled in. I suppose I should let y'all know I'm going on another road trip real soon. I am very much looking forward to it. Come to think of it, I never did share those pics of my last one back in April, like I said I would... Bad MissK, Bad!

Friday, July 10, 2015

~ My Roses Bloomed ~

I wish :P

Mine are below... 
They look kinda sad. But hey,
you gotta start somewhere, eh ;-)

      These are suppose to be pretty hardy. The one on the left is called Winnipeg Parks, zone 2b. The second one is zone3, I forget the name. I debated getting them because I've never had much luck with roses in the past, except for wild roses that spread fairly easily. I just couldn't resist starting my flower garden with them. The layout of the lot lends itself perfectly to so many different garden concepts. I've got high sunnier spots, and low, nestled private pockets. I can see you, but you can't see me kinda thing. One thing's for sure, I'm gonna enjoy planning this layout over time ;-)