Saturday, November 29, 2014

Survival of The Fittest?

Or maybe he was just an only child ;-)

Hibernation Prep

Actually, Thanksgiving was pretty quiet for me,
but I'm sure some of you feel like this... ;-)

Welcome to the BlogSphere :D

Shower Sex?

But I'm a Good Girl... ;)

~ Sigh ~

Leftover Carvey... Yum!

Hope You Had a Good Night ;)

Thursday, November 27, 2014


I suggest you watch this in Full Screen ;-)

That Would Be Acurate

Fucked Up Priorities

Snatched from Chief Nose Wetter ;-)

I'm Visualizing... Yep!

Proper Exchange of Ideas eh?... "I See "

Glass Half Full ;)

Happy Thanksgiving :)

Lots More Thanksgiving Randomness Below the Break...

Thursday, November 20, 2014

See, He's a Good Boy...

You're The Naughty One ;-)


Always wondered about that odd slant in the shoulders...
Kinda brings "Finger Licking Good" to a whole new level O_o


Pussylogical Fact

Careful What You Ask For...


Welcome Home :)

Lock the door behind ya... ;-)

Monday, November 17, 2014

I Like This Shit!!

I do miss the old label...
And yes, it does taste just like fireball candy ;-)

Yeah... I'm a little buzzed... :P

Gullible Pussy

Try it. I dare ya ;-)

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Oh My God, This is sooo Good...

Took a carving brake to make myself a sammich...
Figured I'd wing it, and this is what I came up with :-)

Fresh, thick cut pork tenderloin steak, pan fried in soy sauce and butter, with sweet raw onions and havarti... I was right, it's fucking good ;-)

Quit Fuckin' Around

You know The Look ;-)

One Word ~ Astounding!

"Spidey" came to town recently. And I thought... I've never seen anything like this in real life before, why not, could be fun. So I went, not sure what to expect.

Honestly, it was quite entertaining. And having some NLP background myself, I have to say, I really enjoyed "dissecting" it, withing the limited realm of my current knowledge of course. Big props to him for not boasting his "talents". Instead, he aimed to provide a hilariously memorable experience to both his audience and participants alike. Which I might add, were very willing and eager to make the cut... me not so much, I wanted to watch and learn ;-)

Warning: Don't try this in the States... you might get yourself shot O_o

Still Here :)

Words that Come to Mind...

Trippy ;-)
Putting down Roots
Working Towards what Matters the Most

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Carpenter's Crack?


Oh Look Honey, a Tourist :)

~ Model Parent Photo Op ~

Garfield in Real Life

Two Snow Days in the First Week

They canceled school again yesterday. That's 2 days off this week?? Monday felt like a blizzard, but it really wasn't all that bad yesterday. I'm still glad they canceled since her class had a road trip planned.

I do wonder how many days off we'll get this time around, considering 2 was about all we got in total last winter. There's an English district and a French district here in town. The English schools got spoiled and had many days off, while my daughter's school stayed in session. Wasn't really fair since we all live in the same general area. So why is it different this winter? Maybe somebody got spanked ;-)