Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Sounds Good To Me ;)

Been There, Done That...

Only, mine slept on my tummy the first week ;-)

Some More Than Others...

~ Working on it ~

In Need of a Little More Mind Cleansing...

Good Morning Everyone :-)

I'm gonna go look at the sun with my eyes closed... ;-)

~ In Honor of November 11th ~

Today is a Special Day. A Day for us to take the time and remember those who have fought for our freedoms. Especially those who have given their lives for us. I know that many Vets browse through my pages, and I am truly honored. Your sacrifice is beyond measure.

I have to add something. Some of you may have been around long enough to know this about me. November 11 is a personal day of mourning for me as it marks the Anniversary of my little brother's passing. It's been 18 years, and some moments are still as fresh as the day it happened. If you've lost a family member, you know all too well how it feels. I'm not gonna go in detail here as I just wanted to mention, but if you are interested, I did write a short story about him last year. Here is The Link.

Back to my Remembrance Day / Veterans Day Post...

I looked for pics that would possibly have special meaning for some of you. I love the ones that show humour and camaraderie. But most of the pics are awesome examples of Human Spirit, Courage and Resiliency. So many untold stories.....

HELP!! Bring a Shovel!

Just kidding ;-)

We did get more snow last night, and there's a few inches on the ground. But nothing to be concerned about. And certainly not enough to prevent me from posting.

Something else was on my mind yesterday. I kinda felt like hiding away. Laying low I guess. I did put a Veterans Day/Remembrance Day post together. But I never got to posting it, so I will today. I went looking for pictures, and I found a whole bunch. Even more then what I put in the post. I couldn't pick just a few, so it's a long one. And each and every one of those pictures spoke to me in some way, even if I'm so far from grasping what any of it was really like. I don't think anyone who hasn't lived it can truly understand. I just hope they'll mean something to you. Ultimately that's what I aimed for.....

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Effective Stench Protection...


Not So Much :/

"Harry!! More Napkins!"

And bring some Coke ;-)

Ah.. HA!

If You Have This Person In Your Life...

~ Cherish Them ~

~ A Little Mind Cleansing ~

I got to sleep in some this morning, but my feet hit the ground running. I do like those days when I feel like getting things done. Its cold outside and it snowed a little overnight. It's getting to that point where you know this might be, and probably will be the last day to do certain things. It makes it easy to knock a few things off the To Do List, since all you have time to do is the most important things. And I totally welcome the fact that it does take some of the "overwhelming" away. I don't mind that one bit.
Momentum here I come ;-)

Wondering what y'all are up to.... 
Have a Great Saturday Everyone :-)

Nighty Night ;)

~ Sweet Dreams ~

Friday, November 8, 2013

Holy Shit!!

More Canoodling ;)

Drunken Stupor??

~ Seems Legit ~

Videos Below

Canoodling Birds... Who Knew ;)

I Just Love My New Earrings ;)

~ A little perspective ~
Sometimes you just gotta let things go....

Want Some? Breakfast I Mean... ;)

Good Morning :-)

Sweet Dreams ;)

I Love this one as a Wallpaper :-)

Good Night ;-)

Go Home Pussy, You're Drunk!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What A Pussy!

Cuteness Overload!

Me & My Peeps ~ Up To No Good ;)

~ For West Tx at Heart ~

I used this pic back in AprilKnew I had to go looking for it
when I read West Tx's Comment >> Here <<
Too cute ;-)

~ As it "Should" Be ~

Either You Got it, Or You Don't....

Caption This...

Works For Me ;)


My Accountability Post of the Day...

There's a few different reasons I call this blog My Escape (Mon évasion...). So when I get a bit of free time at home I tend to focus my attention here (Blog ~ Internet ~ Laptop) and forget about "things" for a while. Which is nice, for a few moments... 'till I turn around, or look at my watch. So I'm gonna try a little accountability, like I talked about in my "Time 2 Simplify" Page, to see if it helps me check things off my to do list, and still get some blogging time in my day, like I want. I'm sure this is gonna be trial and error, but hey, I'm in the mood so, here goes... ;-)

I'll Update Bellow every little while

Good Morning :)

Brrrr... I think it would be warmer in my igloo.
I might have to move soon ;-)

Finally, a day I can work at home.
Real quiet right now... I wish it would last more then a few hours.
Guess I'll just have to make the best of what I got ;-)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Well I'll Be Damned ;)

~ Sneaky Little Bastard ~

A Little Something To Think About...

Came back home to make lunch, figured I'd post a little something
before heading out again... ;-)

Good Morning :)

Gotta run out again to help clean up from yesterday. Which turned out pretty well by the way. And I did get an hour of quiet time this morning... needed that, big time ;-)

I got some stuff lined up for posting later. If everything goes as planned, I shall post more then a scenery pic today. Mmhmm....

Have a good day everyone ;-)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Missing My World :(

I'll leave you with a Busy Moment of Serenity...

Wish I could sit for a bit and reply some comments, but I'll have to be patient for now... :/ Heading out again. My daughter and I are helping out with a fundraiser, so at least it's time well spent. But I still miss My World and the likes of y'All... Once again, laters :-)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Good Morning My Peeps :)

Just about to hit the road and get some work done...
Have a Great Saturday, and be sure to stop in later ;-)