Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What A Pussy!

Cuteness Overload!

Me & My Peeps ~ Up To No Good ;)

~ For West Tx at Heart ~

I used this pic back in AprilKnew I had to go looking for it
when I read West Tx's Comment >> Here <<
Too cute ;-)

~ As it "Should" Be ~

Either You Got it, Or You Don't....

Caption This...

Works For Me ;)


My Accountability Post of the Day...

There's a few different reasons I call this blog My Escape (Mon évasion...). So when I get a bit of free time at home I tend to focus my attention here (Blog ~ Internet ~ Laptop) and forget about "things" for a while. Which is nice, for a few moments... 'till I turn around, or look at my watch. So I'm gonna try a little accountability, like I talked about in my "Time 2 Simplify" Page, to see if it helps me check things off my to do list, and still get some blogging time in my day, like I want. I'm sure this is gonna be trial and error, but hey, I'm in the mood so, here goes... ;-)

I'll Update Bellow every little while

Good Morning :)

Brrrr... I think it would be warmer in my igloo.
I might have to move soon ;-)

Finally, a day I can work at home.
Real quiet right now... I wish it would last more then a few hours.
Guess I'll just have to make the best of what I got ;-)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Well I'll Be Damned ;)

~ Sneaky Little Bastard ~

A Little Something To Think About...

Came back home to make lunch, figured I'd post a little something
before heading out again... ;-)

Good Morning :)

Gotta run out again to help clean up from yesterday. Which turned out pretty well by the way. And I did get an hour of quiet time this morning... needed that, big time ;-)

I got some stuff lined up for posting later. If everything goes as planned, I shall post more then a scenery pic today. Mmhmm....

Have a good day everyone ;-)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Missing My World :(

I'll leave you with a Busy Moment of Serenity...

Wish I could sit for a bit and reply some comments, but I'll have to be patient for now... :/ Heading out again. My daughter and I are helping out with a fundraiser, so at least it's time well spent. But I still miss My World and the likes of y'All... Once again, laters :-)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Good Morning My Peeps :)

Just about to hit the road and get some work done...
Have a Great Saturday, and be sure to stop in later ;-)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Yep, Definitely Related...

Right Along With The Neighborhood....

Now You Know...

Awesome Halloween Horsie :)

This lady painted bones on her horse
for Halloween. Looks efin Cool :D

Little Pic Update at the bottom...

Oh Look! A Turd... ;)

Happy Tuesday!

I'm back from work, had to at least say Hey ;-)

We had our first snow fall of the season yesterday.
Just a couple inches. Huge snowflakes.
It was pretty :-)

Good Night :)

Sweet Dreams...

Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday Reds ~ Minimalist Edition ;)

No Words Needed... ;-)

On a Lighter Note... Hey Greenbow?

~ Who Farted? ~

And no, this is not the post I'm planning for ya, just couldn't resist... ;-)

A Little Side Note.... ;)

You Know All About This, Don't You?

Best Halloween Dog Costume Eva!!

I really hope I don't need to spell this one out ;-)

Good Morning :)

Finally, My quiet Monday...

Well almost, there's no school.
But hey, I can live with that ;-)

Have a Great Day Everyone :-)
And come back later for some Reds...