Monday, October 28, 2013

Good Morning :)

Finally, My quiet Monday...

Well almost, there's no school.
But hey, I can live with that ;-)

Have a Great Day Everyone :-)
And come back later for some Reds...

Sunday, October 27, 2013

~ Molon Labe ~

EAT SHIT!! Also Applies...
Pardon the "malon" typo :/ That's what happens when
I got like 30 seconds to post... Maudite Marde! Grrr...

Good Morning :)

"Trying" to have a relaxing Sunday
And do a little blogging...

Guess I'll have to come back to it :/
~ Got work to do ~
(Said in a sarcastic bitchy tone)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Halloween Just Around The Corner...

I can tell you tried real hard,
but I ain't buying it... ;-)

~ Cooking With Charlie Godammit ~

Just give me the Fucking Bacon!!

Oh Great :/ "And" is Forever Ruined

I know, how 'bout this instead?

And I Should Believe You B Cuuuuz?.

Good Morning My Peeps ;)

I woke rested and in a really good mood this morning :-)

Might have something to do with the fact that
I woke naturally to a quiet house....
What can I say, It's a contrast. I need more of this ;-)

Friday, October 25, 2013

"What The Fuck" Animal Moments... ;)

Some things are just really hard to process??

That's Liberal Logic For Ya... WTF?

Oh, But That's Racist!

I got time for one post before I head out ;-)

In light of Christmas approaching
uh, I mean the approaching "Holiday" Season...

So what color you want?

TGIF ~ Good Morning World :)

~ TGIF ~
But that's a good thing, eh? ;-)
Well I'm off to work :/
Y'all have a good day... laters :-)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Playful Hotties ~ Hump-A-Day Late ;)

Better late then never, right?

Just For You Greenbow... ;)

Good Morning :)

Have a Great Day Everyone, I'm off to work ;-)

Sweet Dreams... ;)

I'm working on going to bed earlier... 
Good Night Everyone :-)

Update To My Blog Roll Page :)

As a Thank You to the Awesome Blogs that bring me piles of daily hits, I added a section on my Blog Roll Page, for fun, and easy access. So I can send 'em hits too ;-)

I might do Top10 after a while, but for now I posted My Top5!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Windows 7 Desktop... As YOU Wish ;)

Inquiry Minds want to know, how to use any pics you want as your desktop image. I knew how to make a specific picture appear as the desktop, but I never really checked how to make a desktop slideshow out of a custom group of pictures. So for those who don't already know, here is what I found. Hope it helps ;-) 

To make a single picture your desktop. Simply save it somewhere you can find it on your computer. Then right click on it and select "Set as desktop background" and voila. Depending on the size and resolution, some pictures will look better then others as your desktop.

Now, how to make a group of pictures that you choose alternate as your desktop background. First save all the picture you like in a folder. Then right-click directly on the desktop. Select "Personalize", then "Desktop Background" at the bottom of that window. It will give you something that looks like this....

Now all you have to do is find your folder location, then put a check mark on the picture, or pictures you want as your desktop image. Notice at the bottom where you can modify the position, and the amount of time it will take to switch to the next one.

If you like some of the pictures I post and haven't already saved the ones you like. The easiest way to find them again is to click on a specific label like Wallpaper, Redheads or Gun Porn as examples, and find your favs a lot faster. Have fun... ;-)

Oh, and out of curiosity, let me know by clicking "reactions" or commenting if this was helpful in some way... I hope it is :-)

Two Heads Are Better Then One ;)

~ Pook! ~

Random Pic Dump #6

Sometimes Things Get a Little Confusing...

For Some People... ;-)

Happy Hump Day!

Yep, they are pilling up. Pretty soon they'll be
snow covered, not sure I'm ready for that.

Spend part of the day yesterday fixing up the wood stove. I had to replace some parts of the stove pipes that were simply to risky to use one more year. It's always tricky to play with since nothing is properly aligned in this house. Got her all up and running and the house is warm again. 

So here it is, meet my Redneck Stove.
No, it's not made out of a washer ;-)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

For Best Results...

Light the Whole Fucking Box!

"Never Half-Assed" Hobby ;)

~ Snipe Them Drones Like a Pro ~

Damn! I want one :D

Caption This...

Hey! Not Fair...

We never did that at our school fire drills :/

We just stood outside in our socks freezing our asses off
'till they got done counting everyone twice... Brrrr

Gotta Be An Indoor Dog...

Good Morning :)

Time to Get Busy...

Good Night :)

~ Gun Control 101 ~

Alright, Fess Up.
CharlieDelta? Is that you? ;-)

Probably Not Your Best Idea...

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Think About it...

"Les Maudites Mouches à Marde!!"

Full Of Shit!


Wisco Dave ~ And On The 7th Day... ;)

Good Morning People :)

Just made it home from brunch. The rain is coming down hard. It would be a Perfect day to stay in and relax, but my kitties ran out of food. So I'm headed to town in a bit.
Actually, some time alone would be nice... 

Cutest Thing Ever :)

Snatched this vid off Orbitup @ Subject To Change.
He did an awesome Pic Dump the other day.

And a Super Huge Thank You to Odie, aka Woodsterman.
So much nicer to look at :-)

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Pic Dump #5 ~ Shit Just Got Real 8/

Expect The Unexpected... Maybe ;-)

15 Minutes "Could" Save You....

Redneck Innovation ;)

 ~ Best Cure for Empty Nest Syndrome ~

OMG! More then one person is this "Innovative"??
Doubt this one has anything to do with ENS though :P

From Orbitup's Pic Dump, couldn't resist adding it here ;-)

They Don't Make 'em Any Cuter :)

Sweater Puppies ~ HOT Saturday ;)

How 'bout some Puppies for a better Saturday??
Had to sneak that one in, I mean the post
ok, back to work now... ;-*

Good Morning :)

Still pretty outside. It's been a really nice fall so far.
Gotta take advantage of the day and get some work done...

Hope I get to share more personal projects pretty soon :-)
It's to find them darn pics. Some things I'm really organized with, others not so much.
Maybe that's why I like being random. It gives me room to work.
Don't sweat the small stuff eh ;-)

Have a Great Saturday Everyone... ;-)
Wondering, what y'all are up to?