Tuesday, October 8, 2013

More Gun Porn à la Hottie Style ;)

Check 'em out, scroll down for links...

Added a New Page Up Top...

I needed a spot where I can gather my thoughts on the subject,
and mostly a way to help me keep my focus.
Leave me some insight if you wish ;-)

A Little Afternoon Gun Porn ;)

Good Morning :)

This was labeled "Mystic Rays", I kinda like that ;-)

It was a busy day yesterday,
lots of running around. 

Really need to get more things posted...
My laptop is about to burst!!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013


She Don't Get It... ;)

Creating Dependence...

Gorgeous Brunettes ~ Soft & Warm ;)

Laters... ;-)

Relax, Kick Your Feet Back...

And have a No Fret Day ;-)

Don't really care for a martini?
Just substitute for whatever you fancy :-)
~ Cheers ~


Good Afternoon :)

Have a Great Sunday :-)

Or So They Think... ;)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Friday, October 4, 2013

Looking Back... @ Dildo? What The F*ck??

Back in November, I made a Blog War posts that was real fun to put together. Well I remembered all about it when I popped onto Woodsterman, aka Odie's Blog and saw This Post.... 

He made a very unique geography lesson
all about Fucking, Austria.
Yep, there is such a Town called Fucking...
So Grab a Fucking beer and Check out Odie's Post :-) 

...But first, check out the rest below ;-)

Makes me wonder what other "interesting" location
might be fun to cyber visit....

Perhaps Intercourse, or Condom?
Aye aye aye O_o
Here's a few more....

Gotta Run....

Got shit to do... laters ;-)

Don't Need No Stinking Whistle!

I Knew It!

~ Damn Duck is a Socialist ~
No wonder he's got all that money to give away.
And he's using "The Children"
Go figure o_O

Friday Reds ;)

Told ya it was gonna get warmer ;-)

~ TGIF ~

I feel a warm front coming up... ;-)

Good Morning World :)

Sweet Dreams... :)

Sleep Well.... ;-)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Shout Out To Ray :)

Checking up on The Munchkin, how is she?
I still got a tickle in my throat that won't go away...
Otherwise fine. It was a stubborn one :/
So I was wondering how the little one was fairing??

I snatched it earlier this year and was gonna post it on Father's Day,
but I lost track of it. Found it the other day and thought of you :-)

P.S. If you try this, I would suggest cleaning the inside of the hose first...
That girl is quite the little sport ;-)

Caption This...

~ I came for the crop circles, I stayed for the levitation ~

~ Touché ~

Found over @ iOwnTheWorld


MissK's Pussy ;)

Snatched this interesting gadget post over at Wirecutter's.
Gave me an idea for a post. Sometimes I get my inspiration from the weirdest places, no offence WC ;D

Been wanting to introduce My Pussy for a while now,
and I thought this was the purrrfect way to do it ;-)
So here she is, My Mama Cat....
Basking in the sunlight on my kitchen floor. 

She's a good kitty, and since we live out in the country,
she does enjoy the occasional "crunchy" snack.  Personally,
I like the hands-off-use-a-pussy-for-best-results approach
much better then Wirecutter's little toy.
But hey, boys do like their toys ;-) 

Back to My Pussy now... ;-)
Like I said, she does great work...

Good Morning... *sigh*

Bit of a clusterfuck here this morning... :/  I tend to kick into problem solving mode, some just kick into panic mode. Things are settled down now, but OMG, like get a grip. Pointing the finger serves no fucking useful purpose. I mean this is the situation Now. These are the possible options. Make your fucking choice and for fuck's sake quit fucking with my sanity!! Assuming I have any left... ;-)

Because if there's a will there's a way, but not if you keep getting in your own damn way and fucking tripping all over yourself!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Redneck Innovation!

Fix Leaky Faucet?... Check ;-)

Hump Day Rumps... ;)

How 'bout another Hottie post?
Since it's Hump Day and all

Perhaps some Hot Buns?

Caption This...

Very Creative Captions Guys... 
Y'All had me laughing ;D

Karma... Bitch!!

He'd Be More Deserving of a Good ol #2


Happy Hump Day!

Good Morning :-)

For some strange reason, I feel inclined
to visit the second hump...

Pump Virgin ~ The Elder Years

Do you remember my "First Time" Post?
Seems she's at it again....

I Wonder if He's Ticklish...

Just pray he don't fart... :/

Way Ahead of You...

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How 'Bout an Evening Snack?

Since it's getting kinda late and all...
And I did say I would ;-)

Mmmmm...  doughnuts! Doughnuts?
All I see is one??

Tasty Reds & Freckles ;)

Well I said lunch time, didn't I? ;-)

Good Morning Sunshine... ;)

Gotta rush off to work,
but I got some Reds all loaded up,
ready to post at lunch brake, 
so y'all can come back later...  ;-)

Have a great morning :-)

Monday, September 30, 2013