Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Shout Out To Ray :)

Checking up on The Munchkin, how is she?
I still got a tickle in my throat that won't go away...
Otherwise fine. It was a stubborn one :/
So I was wondering how the little one was fairing??

I snatched it earlier this year and was gonna post it on Father's Day,
but I lost track of it. Found it the other day and thought of you :-)

P.S. If you try this, I would suggest cleaning the inside of the hose first...
That girl is quite the little sport ;-)


Anonymous said...

Well today was "Breakfast with dad" at school, She's growing so fast!!! Some of the family have a hard time remembering she's only six (4ft1in 81lb.) I get her ready for school in the morning (that's why I'm "up at five getting coffee") and she's really easy. I do great with hair, mom lays out her clothes(she swears I'm color blind- its not true I just don't mind when colors clash) Munchkin is really great with numbers spelling and ..well everything. The only thing is the endless talking especially abut "how we feel" and what everything's relationship is to EVERYTHING(or every one) else. She is very much a "girly girl" who likes clothes , boys, shiny cars ,shopping, and "SpongeBob". "The farlie odd parents" and old "loony toons" (go figure) Well love that's pretty much it for my "girly pink" world this week. OH and she joined girl scouts( like I need the cookies)----Ray

James Butler said...

Great Comment Ray... I can relate...
MIne little daughter is 8...
Yeah I don't understand it neither. How she and her older brother can be so into Spongbob and fairy odd parents and yet they can also sit for hours and watch old tom and jerry and loony tunes...
Her and her Mom pick her school clothes night before. Like you I have colors clashing issues. But I insist I don't see the issue as long they are warm, cool, comfortable...
They are so adorable...