Monday, November 5, 2012


Christmas gift idea for that special liberal on your list....

My first and probably not my last Snatch from Boilerdoc ;-) 
Love it!!

That's right... Dance your last Dance...

Here are bits and pieces 
from an Awesome Post over at MichelleObama's Mirror...

For the final push we’ve unleashed the hounds 
and called in the big dawg:
"Yeah, I feel your pain. Vote for the little twit anyway."

Chicagoland get-out-the-vote sign: 
“Cast a vote, get a free beer! Limit 12”

"Yeah, hold my calls for about 24 hours, okay?"

So as you prepare to go to the polls to vote again and again, remember what everyone says about BO: if there’s any fault to be found with him, it’s that...

Exercise You're Right to Vote... Buy a Gun!!

The Clock is Ticking... 

Vote with your purchase of a firearm 

with Buy-A-Gun Day on Nov. 6

And if you want to support Patriots, 
make it a gun from III Arms.

Visit III Arms Company to see more...
"Buy it Now" button goes Live Nov.6 2012

~ Add III Arms Blog to your Blog Roll ~

...Every single Patriot in this community, whether you call yourself a III Patriot or not, is in a position to advance the Liberty Movement in a tangible, positive way...

Our Long Obama Nightmare Is Almost Over

I found this great article form American Thinker over at AngryMike's 

November 4, 2012

By Stella Paul
If you're reading this, you've almost made it through the Obama years.  God knows it hasn't been easy holding on this long.  If you're like me, there were days you felt as if you'd aged ten years, just trying to bitterly cling to your leaky life raft.

Maybe you're one of the 23 million Americans who are unemployed, under-employed, or who have given up looking for work.  Who can blame you for despairing, when two-thirds of the jobs in the last four years have gone to new immigrants, many of them illegals?  But don't worry if, like one out of six Americans, you're sinking into poverty -- after all, Obama assures us that "the private sector is doing fine."

Maybe you or someone you love is serving in our military.  Your lives have been endangered by Obama's disastrous rules of engagement, with 70% of the fatalities in Afghanistan occurring during his term.  Every day, you wake up to a commander-in-chief so indifferent to your needs that he let four American heroes die, unaided, in a seven-hour terror attack in Benghazi.  Making matters unbearably worse, he watched the assault live.  But, rest assured, Obama thinks you make "a pretty good photo op," even if your slaughter is "not optimal."

Or perhaps... 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Gun Laws Backfire!!

"Don't trust the politicians"
"Never, ever give up your freedoms, 
because in the end that's all you've got"

Snatched from ChalieDelta at GottaGetDrunkFirst.

Punctuation Makes a Difference....

Going Out Tonight?

Gentlemen Who Agree?...

I know you men are here, because I see you comment over at Wirecutter's all the time. You know who you are... 
I like the comments on "this post"... ;-)

Real is Beautiful :-)

I like this pic better :-)

I like real Wimmen ;-)

Another Good One...

Thanks AngryMike Good Stuff... ;-)
An extra shout out goes to DoubleTroubleTwo, Girl's got it all...
From Hotties to Political Satire. 
Check 'em out people :-)


That's One Proud Motherfucker....

Where's my Chainsaw?...
Hmm hm hmm hmmm ;-)

Perfect :D

Great Find AngryMike... and I see you got more.
I'll grab those later... ;-)


Snatched from Irish... Love it!!

TGIF.. A Glimpse for Now ;)

OMG!! Obama Can Recognize Shit!?!

Fuckin' Ass!!

I Can Tell, You're a Smart Guy...