Monday, January 27, 2014

What The Fuck!!!

I'm NOT a happy camper right now.... I activated my Google + profile thing so I could use apps on my phone. I put it off for the longest time because I did not want shit to get affected on my blog... and now I tweak something that seems minor, and almost all my pics disappear :-(  What the Hell?!?

I'm sure it has to do with "who sees what" or something of the sort.... I looked through all the settings and can't find it. I just don't need this shit right now. Has this happen to you? Any idea how to fix it?   I'm gonna go look again, and I better find my answer. I just wanted to let y'all know what was going on....... 

Alleluia!! I fixed it!! Well that was scary :/


billf said...

Hey Missk,sorry I can't help you fix it,but I'll tell you what I see-no pictures.
Somebody help her get those sexy pictures back up!!

MissK said...

And now my internet is down..... so I can't even try to fix it :(

Keeper said...

Not knowing the type of phone you are using this is what may have happened. G+ Photos is now just Photos, so you still may have two shortcuts, try the one that says "photos" only.

MissK said...

Internet is back... let's see if I can get my pics back.

I'm pretty sure I changed a setting in my "albums" and now I can't seem to undue whatever it was that I did.... I made the change on my laptop, not on my phone. The only thing I did on the phone was activate the google account yesterday. Today I played on my Google profile on my laptop. If anyone has anymore ideas???

Volfram said...


Hey, Google! Remember "Don't be evil?"

You failed that in China, and now you're failing with your Google+ rollout.

Stop being evil!

I will never activate a Google+ profile. I will find an alternative service first. I will BUILD AN ALTERNATIVE SERVICE FROM SCRATCH if I have to.

Anonymous said...

Well said Volfram---
Glad you fixed the problems MissK, I knew you would..

GGG said...

I don't have the smarts on trying to figure out google + , I glad you can , besides I'm going silent for a long time soon
good morning MissK :-)

DoubleTroubleTwo said...

Odie fixed mine, he's really good at it and loves to help.