Thursday, October 4, 2012

Let's Konga Line!!

Yeah, yeah.. media will twist it around tomorrow, 
but between you and I... Obama sucked!!!!


angrymike said...

Awwww, so cute, as I sit here with six eyes watching and waiting for me to feed them......

MissK said...

Well don't keep 'em waiting... I just knew you had cats :D

CharlieDelta said...

I don't have the money to keep buying these new flat screen TV's anymore. It's absurd! Apparently nobody's warranty covers damage from discharged firearms, bowling balls or baseball bats. WTF!!!

Needless to say I didn't watch it...

MissK said...

Why am I not surprised Charlie...

and me thinks you need an outlet.. to let some of that rage and frustration out.... It doesn't sound like busting up flat screens is helping any ;-)

hiswiserangel said...

CharlieDelta, I watched it for a "friend", to send updates and reports while he was at work. What kind of "friend" asks you to sit and listen to that shit? :-)