Saturday, September 3, 2016

Hey There !!

Good News: I am home, safe and sound. 

Bad News: A setback has put a damper on my plans....

It seems the builder I was scheduled to work with decided to temporarily drop a few smaller clients to take on a bigger contract. That means that instead of having my house ready for delivery by October, they want to deliver in December.

I live in Canada !! That's not feasible !!!
So reluctantly, I will reschedule my project for the spring.

I did get quotes from other builders, hoping to still pull off my plans, but of course, they were more expensive. Honestly, I'm kinda glad they were, because I still prefer the work of my original builder.

I have to look a it in a good light. More time to tweak my plans, which I like. And a few extra weeks to work on felling the rest of the trees that need to go before excavation (Part Deux) can begin. Between meetings, playing phone tag to reschedule my trades, and work, I've been pretty busy.

The extra 5 to 6 months of apartment bills kinda suck. Not what I expected. Such is life at times. I will have to work my butt off to compensate though. Fun times, I like to think that I still have things under control ;-)

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

That's The Plan....

Just a few more days to go, then I head back home.  The clock is ticking, and I'm anxious, in a good way, to start building. I'll probably be scarce for a little while, but I will check in and post extra stuff too when I get an itch for it... ;-)

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Just Made My 3000th Post !!

Woohoo !!!

Couldn't help but notice
that I'd have over 7000 posts in My World
if I hadn't kicked it back over the last few years....

My bad ! :/

But I think the following is more important....

The Things We Do For Love....

Moment of Serenity by the Lake

Bullshit Doesn't Even Scratch The Surface....

As usual, he mentioned himself over 100 times....

More like ARROGANCE !!!

Somebody needs to smack him upside the head!! the very least :/


Friday, July 22, 2016

Thursday, July 21, 2016


It's been really warm and sunny for a while now... ;-)

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Something To Consider.....

For Proof.... Cowcatcher eh?
Had to look it up, our trains have ice breakers up here :P

Better Yet....

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Sounds Like a Plan

Shame on him for putting an "I" in Eulogy....


Friday, July 1, 2016

Happy Canada Day !!

Just playin' ;-)


Btw, that last pic is off a t-shirt @ the duty free shop. Stopped in last week as I drove through the border. You know, your border officers can be a pain sometimes, took a whole lotta convincing for them to believe me that I was going back to Canada (sometime)...
Sheesh :P

À La Belle Étoile...

Bonne Nuit ;-)

Sunday, June 26, 2016

This Ain't No Canadian Maple

Just got back from a little nature walk.

I'm not holding it close to the camera, it's actually on my laptop. Freakin' thing is almost 12 inches from the tip to the end of the stem. Y'all have mutant trees out here ;-)

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Bye Bye Great White North !!!

Woohoo !!!

Almost ready to hit the road...

But first, I feel like gloating a little...

This "contracting" business was new territory for me, 
but I did it, up to this point anyways.
Got all my ducks lined up and ready to go,
for a post-vacation build.

See you in a few days...

when I land, that is ;-)

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day !!

To all the Dads out there
who take being a parent to heart <3

I would add "Protector" to that list.

And to the special Dads who can't be
with their loved ones today...

And a little extra something for the ones
who love their 4 legged babies...

I know a few ;-)

~ Y'all have a Great Father's Day !! ~

More Father's Day...