Friday, November 27, 2015

Belated Turkey Day!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving :-)
I went on a little road trip with my daughter yesterday.
You could call it a scavenger hunt I guess....

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

No Escaping it ;)

It's official, the Woodlot is covered with snow. It's probably gonna melt tomorrow, but still, I hit my target, and that makes me happy. I was working to get Phase One of my project complete before the snow hit, and minus a little wait time for the power company to come and hook me up, I'm good to go ;-)

I finally have a Workshop I can call my own!! :D

Yes, there is much more work to do to have it just the way I want it, but I'm on the right track. My apartment is a bit small, so the workshop is doubling as storage right now. Got no issue there, as I now have a safe place to stow my tools, and lots of room to make a mess if I so desire... and that I do ;-)

I was thinking.... I can't really keep calling it the woodlot now,
since I do have 2 buildings on there... Yes, the decoy shed counts :P
How 'bout The Homestead?... I have a Homestead now :D

Monday, November 16, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

It's Nice to be Missed

I'm here, I'm ok <3

I've gotten a few emails from some of you who are concerned about me... My apologies for taking so long. Didn't mean to worry anybody. I'm ok, just really busy. The weather's been nice for this time of year, so I've been doing as much as I can on My Woodlot, before the snow hits. Not really in a rush to move back in the igloo, eh ;-)

Monday, October 12, 2015

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

Sorry ;-)

No turkey dinner for me this year,
just home made poutine with the daughter :-)

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Relocating ~ ASAP!

I've been working my ass off at the Woodlot lately.

A little TLC would be in order, but I have to be patient...

Not Exactly....

...butt yeah, my ass is a little sore :P

Young Dusty ~ The Wee Pooh Years

For the "Expert" in the house :P

I suppose you're right, My Woodlot does kinda look
like the 100 Acre Woods...

Damn Telemarketers :P

I like toying with them... for kicks.
Making "them" hangup on me can get interesting at times.
Last year I had one "fall in love with me".
I'll write it out sometime... Made me LMAO!!

Just got one to hang up on me a couple minutes ago.
He was easy...

Him: eelo
Me: ~ quiet ~
Him: eelo?
Me: eelo
Him: Mam? is this "..... " ?
Me: ~ quiet ~
Him: Mam, can you hear me?
Me: ~ quiet ~
Him: Are you deaf?!
Me: ~ quiet ~
Him: &%#*!! ...and hangs up

Guess he was having a bad day ;-)

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

~ Random Thoughts ~

Stopping in to say Hey :-)

Really, really busy... and working my ass off.
~ Only got time for minimal bullshit ~

Let the saw dust fly!!!
Be back soon ;-)

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

MissK ~ Sketching on The Woodlot

I spent the whole day at the woodlot yesterday. I made good progress. Things are slowly but surely falling into place. At the end of the day, I was sitting on one of my pile of trees, contemplating, then I started on this little sketch for the section of land I'm currently working on. 

Actually, the sketch I drew on the lot is the messy looking one at the bottom. I made the nicer one from memory and mental measurements after I got home. The scale is pretty darn close. All these elements were previously only in my head. I really like seeing it like this :D The messy one too, I like the process... 

Sketches done directly on my new phone, freehand...
Love this thing ;-)

~ Time To Ponder ~

Happy Monday!... Uh I Mean Tuesday...

Thursday, September 17, 2015

My "Still" Shack... Wait? What??

Damn it Boilerdoc!! Why you gotta be so nosy?! :P

Out picking hazelnuts, eh?
Yeah, right ;-)

Well, since y'all are here, how 'bout a little tour...

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

First Prize @ 2015 Geek/Modern Art Camp

"Stuck in the bed sheets on a hot summer night"

Interesting Twist on The Waffle...

~ I'm gonna have to look this up ~

Bacon, it's missing bacon!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015

Need Input Here...

As most of you know, I've been recently empty nested by my Lovely Valedictorian Daughter. Yes, I'm still very proud of her, and all the hard work she put in ;-)

Now with that comes many many University related bills. I crunched the numbers, and with a pretty tight budget, I have figured out the minimal amount of funds needed for her to attend the University of her choice, which is less then an hour from home, thank God. Now this is where my request lies, no, not money, sillies... Just perspective. Although a few tips would not be frowned upon ;-)

But seriously, I know a lot of you have put your kids through school, and I'm just wondering what a typical year cost for different people. Living expenses also count, obviously, as having your child sleep on the street, starving, lonely and cold would not be very conducive with providing them with a quality education.

I'm asking because, being recently divorced, I'm having to defend the fact that University Fees are way more than the ONE bill the chosen establishment is charging us with.

So how much does a typical year of University cost?

And for My TGIF Post...

I'm a dork! I'm laughing way too hard at this... 
Especially @ 00:56 seconds... WTF?


I was in the house, safe and sound as my then 4 year old daughter, played in the background. I watched in disbelief, the horrific events of that day unfold... Seemingly frozen in time...

I've added a few relevant Posts from fellow bloggers, worth checking out. Please click the links below, and read their words.

Headed To The Library?

That's MY Story...

And I'm sticking to it... ;-)

~ They Do Exist ~

I had a "Nice Cop" incident the other night...

I got pulled over for speeding... Ooops! Not a surprise considering it was 2am, and me and this cop where the only cars in town... Seriously, I had the run of the place ;-)  But I was a "Good Girl" and cooperated fully. After all, I was speeding. We got to talking, about our kids, and University, and the fact that I was just getting home and wanting to get to bed asap. Come to think of it, he didn't even ask me for my papers. This is a small town, but still, I've met a few power hungry cops who think they're above the law, so it was kinda nice to get pulled over by a "human" cop.  So NO Ticket!! And I had my hands on the wheel, the whole time ;-)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

What a Ride!!

Just realized I missed my Blog Anniversary :(
Tree days ago...

Uh... I mean three, like September 6th.
Been hanging around the woodlot lately, can you tell... ;-)

Thinking... ;)

Gotta flip that "Empty Nest" thing to my advantage... :D

Good Morning :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Good Night... eh

See Ya in the Morning... ;-)

~ Sweet Dreams ~

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Needing some Plumbing Advice Plz

Here's the situation:

A few days ago, I was alone at my daughter's apartment, dropping off some things for her. Then all of a sudden I hear water pissing in the hall closet where the water heater sits on a shelf. Thank God the shut off valve was right there, then I flicked the heater breakers off and called the landlord. He sent his maintenance guy over to check it out. We had to leave it as is 'till he came back the next morning with the replacement part. The pressure release valve had failed.

Now here's my concern...

The month prior, we only flicked on the breakers to the water heater for a few hours at a time when we came to clean and prep the apartment as no one was living there yet. I never thought to shut off the water line too, as I've never really dealt with this particular situation. Now I want to prevent another "accident" as my daughter and her roommate will be leaving the apartment 'til next Tuesday... 

Is it better to leave everything on? The girls are concerned that it might decide to leak again and damage their stuff and the apartment with no one there to keep an eye on it. I am concerned about that too. Or should they shut off the breaker and the water line, and if they do.... is there a risk this might happen again when it's turned on.... or was it most likely because the water line was left open??

Common sense tells me turn both off.... Anyone out there with some valid experience on this matter?

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Oh... Yeah... Right There... Ahhhh....

How Do You Feel About Him?

"We should act like it, and we should stand together..."

"...They can't tell good guys, from bad guys"

" doesn't make any sense and
it's profoundly dangerous to our Country"