Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane SANDY

"It's coming, Hurricane Sandy that is, 
and it could be one for the record books"

Lots of people will be affected by this :( Be safe.
For those in the path of Sandy who wish to do so, please comment on how it is in your area, let us know you and your family are okay, if you still have power that is...

Impressive!!! ~ PLEASE WATCH & SPREAD!!

I have a vision, that by election time, this man's "dirty little secrets" will be exposed for the world to see, and he will be stoned booed off stage by his "beloved followers" :P He makes me wanna puke!!

Hey, A girl can dream... btw, my actual "dream" for this SOB is not so rosy....

Adding this Video... THIS IS CRAZY SHIT!!!!
"This president didn't CARE enough.."
Sent in by Terry, thank you.

Many of you already have... but link this these Videos, 
email them to friends, get the message out there, 
because "The Big Guy" wants y'all in the dark.... 
32,000 views a few hours ago, 
now up to almost 51,000 75,000

I saw it at Gottagetdrunkfirst
originally Posted by Wirecutter
Thank you Boys.


I have to add this... Posted by AngryMike.

"The MSM has ignored all the facts on Benghazi, We the ppl have to stand up and tell these mother fuckers we are not the sheeple they think we are. Our ambassador was killed in cold blood while the Emperor slept. Wake up ppl lets take our country back without a shot being fired............"

Well said, thank you Mike :-)

Tasty Beefcakes & Babes

Hope These are Worth the Wait ~ Been a Busy Week-end.

Libtrash you say... Pic #2 OUT !!!

Tasty Hotness....

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Acorn Sucks Ass....

Is there anything reliable 
about the Voting System?? At all??

Sent in from Wiserangel. 

Beefcakes & Then Some... to Come Later... ;)

An extra teaser.
The real stuff comes later.... ;-)

Reposting... Because I Really Wanna Know...

Who has ever eaten this?.... :-)
Real Home Made Canadian Poutine.

Red potatoes, they're sweet.

My daughter took a pic of her take-out poutine, 
she agrees with y'all, mine looks messy ;-)
Her words: "looks like fishy vomit" Thanks dear :P

One I found online, I KNOW what it tastes like 
so I think this one looks yumi.. 
I know, I know, you guys think it's gross :P

This one has graded mozzarella cheese instead of curds.

This is for you Angel, 
Deep-fried battered cheese "turds" Mwah-hahahahaha!!

Man's Best Friend :)

Gotta be Worse then Texting...

"I shall never forget your pussy... "

Man Has Dead Wife’s Vagina Carved on Tombstone
BELGRADE, SERBIA — A Serbian widower is making news after having his late wife’s vagina engraved on her headstone.

Milan Marinkovic says it was his wife’s dying wish that he never look at the private areas of another woman, according to the Examiner.
Before she passed away, Milena Marinkovic left detailed instructions on how she wanted her final wishes to be carried out.
She explicitly described to her husband that she wanted him give photographs she had taken of her vagina to a hired sculptor so that an exact replica can be on her headstone, according to TheFrisky.

The problem wasnt finding the money, but finding an artist who would do it. Most of them said it was blasphemy. Now its finished I love it and its a really good likeness. And this way, a part of her will always be with me, said the 72-year-old widower. 

Thank you WiscoDave for this "interesting" Article... LOL

My Nuts!!

She's one Bad Ass Mamma... ;-)

Protecting the food stash for kiddos.

He ain't messin' around...