Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Hungry, Frustrated Children....

Really wanted to use This Picture again... ;-)

How many times do "they" need to trip over themselves 
for the general public to take notice?? 
I fear we still have a long way to go... :-(


Citing ‘hungry, frustrated’ kids,
another school district drops
First Lady’s lunch menu

By Kyle Olson

GLENVILLE, N.Y. – If the goal of the federal school lunch overhaul is to improve outcomes for children, somebody should tell its chief cheerleader – First Lady Michelle Obama – that it’s actually backfiring.

Officials in New York’s Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake school district have become the latest to opt out of the National School Lunch Program, citing “hungry, frustrated children plus lost income.”

Friday, July 5, 2013

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Hey Stevie! Come and Get it... ;)

Mmmm.... Ribs are done.

My Gift to You, as a Thank You 

Found a little something extra, just for you.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

You Hungry?....

Mouth Watering....
Garlic-Rubbed Grilled Cheese 
with Bacon and Tomatoes.

Check out the recipe and source below. 
Make you're own variation by using different cheeses or whatever you like... so yum ;-)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Gaining Momentum... ;)

Hey AngryMike, did you notice? 

~ I win!! ~ 

Like I said in my Previous BlogWar Post:
"When Hell Freezes Over" ;-)

But I'm not gonna gloat. 

Oh what the hell... 
Nah-nah nahnah nah :P"' '

Oh Come on AngryMike, don't be mad. 
You'll get there........ eventually ;-)

How 'bout a Peace Offering 
for the Self Proclaimed Ass-Man?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Pregnant Pepper?.....

Oooo Triplets...

How the fuck does a pepper get pregnant?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Friday, March 8, 2013

I Like My Jimmy Scrambled...

...or over easy. You?
With a little hot sauce maybe ;-)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Bacon Wrapped Breadsticks

Really Easy... I would love to do these 
with homemade bread.... YUM!!



In Honor Of Bacon Day!!

On a happier note, it seems 
it's Bacon Day today, aka Pig Day...

Special Treat ;-)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bacon Candle ~ Wirecutter Style ;)

~ The Manliest Candle in the World ~

Fuck the Fake "smells like" Shit... 
this is the Real Thing ;-)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Food... Lots of Food !!

Just getting back from the grocery store... 
I'm gonna make some yummi jalapeno poppers. 
Hoping to get a good pic to show off.... ;-)

What do y'all like to eat for a Super Bowl treat?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013