Can you guess what this is a close up of?
By the way, I took this picture, so you.. ehem Cedar...
ain't gonna find it with google ;-)
Stand away from your screen for a better view.
Answer Posted below...
We have 2 look-alikes now :D
Yes, it's my old frying pan :-)
How the fuck did that happen?? LOL
~ Jim Croce ~
Thanks Stevierayv :D
OMG... this is getting weird...
~ Freddie Mercury ~
Thanks to Sarthurk... LOL
A reflection of a face in a frosty or otherwise obscured glass (like a window or mirror)?
Your reflection in a cup of coffee.
Awww Cedar.... How sweet of you :P
It's not a reflection.
you took a up close pic of an old picture of your great gramma..?
Drivers license?
A doggy looking outside of a frozen window inside of a car?!
Yeah Greenbow, she was in the circus.. mmHmm :P
Cedar, Yours?
Elvis in a tortilla?
LOL Good one Cranky, but no, not food :-)
WB, Not a doggy ;-)
You guys can play 20 questions you know.... might help narrow things down.
You took a close up of your third nip?
Do you have a name for it...hehehe
LMFAO!! I call it lumpy ~snort~
No 20 questions?? okay... How 'bout I give a hint for every new guess....
I'll start. Almost everybody owns one or more.
Nope, not a tattoo Greenbow, but that's very believable.
Another hint... hmmm lets see.
It's used pretty much everyday.
a fleshlight?
Greenbow!!... Get your mind out of the gutter... you're way off track ~shaking head~
Hint: I threw this one out after taking the picture because it was wore out.
napkin, paper towel. Does it have something to do with photography?
the napkin guess was me
Where's my hint?
Hold on... I'm trying to finish my dishes :P
I'll be fair since you gave me 3 guesses ;-)
I got a small one and a big one for Christmas.
Some people hang it up.
If put in the wrong hands, Libtards could decide to put a ban on these.
Is a Canadian thing?
Nope.. you have some too Greenbow... Well I'm sure you do.... in fact, bacon is often involved.
And you can knock someone out with it.. that's where the Ban would come in ;-)
If that's a frying pan, it's a damn creepy one, cause all I see is a face.
I figured by now someone has figured it out or you have given the answer MissK.
A can opener? A hammer? A chain?
A shoe
A pan?
Yes it is frying pan, perhaps? lol...
a frying pan/skillet
Greenbow, I hope that's you on the last one ;-)
I was gonna say "it's not fair cause Greenbow did all the work"
Got 3 right guesses there at the end. Isn't that creepy how a face got burned into it like that...
Nope, I can't take credit for that one, I was still, not at that time. I was do something naughty with the new GF:b So it's a cast iron skillet. What with bacon grease burnt in it or what?
Glad you had some fun ;-)
It's the underside... I posted a bigger pic.
is it jim croce
Oh My God that's funny Stevie, I gotta post a pic, Thanks :D
ITS A MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it Fredy Mercury?
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