Saturday, September 8, 2012

Old Guys Kicking Ass?

Now who does this remind me of....
Thanks Wiserangel :)


rpm2day said...

Thanks ladies. I've some work to do, ya don't need to rub it in!

MissK said...

Actually "old" is just a word.
Kicking Ass is what you should focus on ;-)

rpm2day said...

Kicking ass is a daily exercise in my plant, with younger and older folks. Keeps me on my toes. A lot of in your face warefare.

hiswiserangel said...

Where the hell do you work, rpm?! And it was more an ode to Men of a Certain Age and their Weapons. ;-)

hiswiserangel said...

we need to photo shop wirecutter in here somewhere...

rpm2day said...

I work in a production plant, young bucks always pulling their stunts, ha ha good luck.
Yes we should shoop 'Cutter in there, it might go viral with his "good" looks!

hiswiserangel said...

See, rpm, that's what you dudes don't understand about us women, or me (can't speak for all women). We (me) look at the pretty boys and think, "Pansy." Give me a real man, with real looks who knows the value of...well MissK has my list, if she'll publish it.
What do you produce? And I'll take old and wily over young and dumb any day.

MissK said...

Yes Wiserangel, I've got your list... and it will be posted, no worries.

Photoshop Wirecutter?
Got my gears turning...
I ain't saying any more ;-)