Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hit the 3000 visits high last night :)

In less then a week, I was not expecting this, thank you all :-)
A Special thank you to Wirecutter, giving credit where credit is due, over 80% of my numbers are coming from your blog :-)
And thank you to all who put me in their blog rolls.


hiswiserangel said...

At LEAST 1/3 of these are me.
Damn, I need to get a life.

angrymike said...

Well just great, in 3 weeks and 3 days, I hit 3000. That makes me feel real popular, thanks ;-(

MissK said...

Sorry Mike, not my intention. It you take the 80% off my number, I would say you did amazingly well. And to be fare, about half my numbers where on the first day, so I'm not expecting that as a trend. All I need are my regulars, and anybody else that likes my weird sense of humor ;-)

angrymike said...

I'm just playin, if it wasn't for "the feral irishman" I'd be at 200;-)

MissK said...

I know you are :-) And that is very good to know... I guess we're tit for tat again. Or does that even apply? :P

hiswiserangel said...

I've heard it called many things MissK, but never a "tat".

rpm2day said...

I really enjoy visiting your site.

In other words I'm surprised that I haven't been banned yet.

MissK said...

You just leave well enough alone Wiserangel :P

Thank you rpm. And why would I ban good entertainment ;-)