Thursday, April 14, 2016

Treehouse Porn :D


Anonymous said...

Have the north woods thawed yet? How's the carving? How's the kid? How ARE you?----Ray

Anonymous said...

Very cool! Though I wonder if tree house people worry about lighting strikes? Talk about fire in the bedroom!

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Thinking about it?

idahobob said...

Very, very, nice! :-D


MissK said...

Bob, I agree, and raise you a "VERY" ;-)

Yes Odie, and "it" could be a lot of things :D

A waterbed might come in handy, Bayouwulf ;-)

20 question eh Ray, uh I mean 4 ;-)
The "kid" is all grown up, first year of University about to be done, a couple final exams left. She's very busy in her life also. We're both moving forward... hit a few snags lately, but we're pushing through.

I started spring cleanup at the Woodlot. I'm making progress, but the carving has been kinda sporadic as I figure how to turn my passion into profit. I tend to get lost in it, the carving I mean, which is a good thing, but having, and working a concrete plan is necessary if I want what I've always been craving. Which is to earn some income with my own creations. Honestly, it's quite the leap of faith for me, as I have put this dream on the shelf way more times then I care to recall. This is my chance, finally, and I wanna make it happen. Despite limited tools and the fact that I am sometimes scared shitless of this One Woman Journey I am on.