Saturday, September 30, 2017

Take Flight

Jack brought up the story I wrote a few years ago, about flying with my father in his plane. I had to read it again.
That "moment in time" is definitely one of my favorite. 

My Dad's Plane (one of 'em)

This is the picture I have on my sidebar, so it's not very clear.
I have more at home I could post, but since I'm not there for a while,
I had to settle for this one ;-)

If you wanna read the story,
just click on This LINK

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Trippy Thursday

~ Lightning striking a plane inside a rainbow ~

Captured by Birk Mobius

Hey Tony, Should I Feed This Guy? ;)

I took this picture back in June, a few days after starting excavation with my backhoe guy. There were a lot of deer tracks too, but this guy was the biggest critter to visit that night. I set up a trail cam after that, no luck yet. I'll be sure to share when I do get a few good pics out of it.

And yes, that's my big ol' steel toe rubber boot you see there.
...My Woodlot Slippers ;-) 

~ Teamwork ~

Way to stand by your man <3

That's How it's Done.