Thursday, August 13, 2015

~ Shooting Stars Aplenty ~

I never thought of it last night :(

Hope I can catch a few tonight ;-)
Y'all see any?

Something To Think About...

I was searching the blogsphere and came across the following quote:

"What we remember is not what actually happened,
not history, but those hackneyed impressions they tried
to hammer into our memories by constant repetition.”
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, GULAG Archipelago

It got me thinking about how skewed the perception of history is these days.
How much of it is agenda driven. How much is forgotten or purposely set aside...

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

MissK ~ Camo Time!!

I caught the crafty bug over the weekend.
Figured I should do something about it.
So I went to get me some camo paint...
And went to work :-)

Now, keep in mind, I've never done this before.
Victim #1 : an empty kitty litter bucket.
I thought it would be an easy target for my first ever camo job.
Turned out pretty good. Well, I thought so ;-)

Friday, August 7, 2015


My drink of choice for the night....
Good ol' Canadian beer ;-)

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Update From Canada...

Snatched this one from Odie ;-)


The Royal Canadian Mint has just announced they are going to remove
the polar bear from the $2 coin in view of its demise due to global warming.

At the height of political correctness, they will replace it with 2 gay deer.

The coin will now be called “2 fuckin’ bucks"!

~ Fresh From The Oven ~

I'm enjoying a piece as I write this ;-)
Can you smell it?

My favorite banana bread. Super moist.
I even made a few tweaks ;-)
If anyone cares for the recipe, let me know
and I'll add it to the post.

Recipe added, just click below to see...

MissK ~ Roaming The Lakeside ;)

I'm gonna find a spot where I can actually roam the beach.
But in the meantime, this little lakeside park peaked my curiosity.
I got a few nice shots out of it :-)

The weather's so nice out here...

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Friday, July 24, 2015

MissK ~ Backwoods Trekking

Had a really nice day out in nature.
Here's a few of my favorite shots...

Watch your back! ;-)

Bet You Can't Have Just One... ;)

~ So Simple ~

Click for more if you want the Recipe :-)
I added a closeup pic at the end <3

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Gently Cooling Off...

I had the oven door slightly open, so I figured I should
snap a pic, for those who like cheesecake ;-)
~ Stay tuned for the mouthwatering end shot ~

Note to Self...

....Avoid excessive sunlight in combination with high levels of caffeine, and lack of sleep.

P.S. Cheesecake in the works... ;-)

I Has Landed!

Well, last night actually ;-)

16 hours later... not a snowflake in site.
Monster trees line the roads, screeching beetles to be heard
from miles around. It's pleasantly warm
with a slight breeze in the air. Perfect place to put my boots up and relax for a while. I'll get use to the beetles :P

I feel a sudden urge to go make a cheesecake...