Thursday, November 15, 2012

Goodbye For Now Dear Friend....

In response to BREAK TIME from Wirecutter....

Because she says it so well....

I would like to add my own Hugs and Thank you to Wirecutter. From whom I also learned so much. Mostly about being true to myself, and not letting others bring me down. You inspired me to start my own blog, especially since you wouldn't post the stuff I would send you :P'' ' well you did post a few ;-)

I will miss going over to your blog for a daily dose of laughs or shock factor.  But what I'll miss the most are your words. You have a way with them that paints a picture and makes your readers feel like they're right there with you.. that is an amazing gift. I will miss you, and your presence in the blog world. If you choose to return at some point, you will be welcomed with open arms. And if you choose not to, know you have so many people around the world who think so much of you. Take care of yourself, escape to your beautiful Sonora Pass as often as you can... I hope this time away will help you heal. Now, go get them big-ass trouts and coyotes and come home with a smile :-)
Your Friend, Always

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hump Day ~ Part 2 ~ Couple's Edition

Food Stamp Cut...

Election Over, USDA Cuts Ohio Food Stamps Aid

Ohioans’ food stamp aid to be reduced.
Benefit to fall $50 a month starting in January

The Messiah giveth and the Messiah taketh away. 
Once he’s been safely re-elected.

Hat Tip to AngryMike

Predictable Much...

So Much For Compromise... 
Obama Doubles Down On Tax Hikes

I don’t know if anyone really believed President Obama would compromise with Republicans after the election. If so, I’ve got a bridge to sell them, or something. Not only is he not compromising, he wants even larger tax hikes than he proposed before, double to be exact....

Happy Hump Day Boys!!

Tell me your favorite(s)... I'd like to know...
At some point I'll do an Ultimate Favorite Post, 
or Pics of The Month ;-)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How About A Guessing Game?

I chose 5 easy pics.. 
see if anybody can guess WITHOUT searching the internet.
That goes for you too Cedar.. ;-)

Been a while... come out and Play!!

All Answers Have Been Uncovered
Thanks for Playing :-)

Some People Are Just Demented...


The Art of Stacking...

 It's amazing what you can do with no DOTs around....

In Support of the 2nd Amendment...

I went hunting for a different 2nd Amendment picture to use in my sidebar. Doing a little blog revamping. I found some really nice ones, so I thought I would share them here in case some of you would like to use them on your sites/blogs. Obviously there's lots out there but these ones kind of stuck out at me...

I Also found this Really Amazing 
"Quote of the Day"

“False is the idea of utility that sacrifices a thousand real advantages for one imaginary or trifling inconvenience; that would take fire from men because it burns, and water because one may drown in it; that has no remedy for evils, except destruction.
The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm those only who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.”

Check out the other 2nd Amendment Pics below....
Feel free to snatch... ;-)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Are We Going To Sit Idly By While America is Stolen?

Found this great post by BigFurHat....

Is no one going to do anything?

Where are our elected officials? Must we storm Capitol Hill and wake up our representatives? Are they going to force us to turn to mob rule? I’m ready.

I’m reading about massive voter fraud and I’m not reading one word about anyone in the Republican party willing to do one thing about it.

Obama is not a legally elected president. The evidence is overwhelming. What the hell is happening? What has happened to our DNA? Our pedigree dictates that we do not take oppression kindly. Has that gone the way of the buggy whip?

How can this possibly be?

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Mitt Romney on Tuesday received ZERO votes in 59 Philadelphia voting divisions! ZERO!

It’s one thing for a Democratic presidential candidate to dominate a Democratic city like Philadelphia, but check out this head-spinning figure: In 59 voting divisions in the city, Mitt Romney received not one vote. Zero. Zilch. [...]

Most big cities are politically homogeneous, with 75 percent to 80 percent of voters identifying as Democrats.

As you might imagine, this is impossible....

In Honor of Veteran's Day...

“We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”

Thank the soldiers, who cling to their guns and religion…
so that we might be free.

I apologize for not posting this yesterday. I wanted to find one that "felt" right to me. I got this one off MOTUS, it gave me chills. 

November 11 is a very conflicting day for me. This year, it marked the 17 year anniversary of my little brother's passing. I made a short story post about him on October 8, his birthday. No matter how many years pass by, the pain never really goes away... 

Keep Telling Yourself That....

Awesome toons from Predictable History...  saved the best for last ;-)

2 Birds With One Stone....

My first Comment of the Day... 
And the lucky chap is none other then Tripseven ;-)

"Tell it like it is Angel! I enjoy your comments for that alone...
plus the sarc hehe.
Too many folks hold back cuz they are afraid of how they will be perceived by their "peers." THIS is how we end up confusing "tolerance" for nothing other than coward-ism!"

From my Truth Evasion ~ Guilty!! Post. 
Kudos Tripseven... Well said :-)

And now for the other bird... 

This is Perfectly Fitting since my Dear friend Angel has just lauched her own blog :D I'm trilled for her... and for us.. because now we can get our daily dose of her sarc as you  put it Tripseven... and all the passion and conviction that I so love in her rantings. 
I've got you in My BlogRoll now Girl ;-)

Check it out!!
P.S. I am looking forward to your mischief... ~grinning~

Week End Beefcakes ~ Dirty Boy Edition ;)

Well Figuratively Speaking Of course ;-)

I'm still hungry....

Sunday, November 11, 2012

It's Story Time Again... ;)

More really nasty books you should never give your child....

Truth Evasion ~ Guilty!!

That's Right Assbama, Spread the Good Stuff... 
Won't take long for Bo to realize you have no fucking balls :P


........Now that Obama’s second term has been secured, it appears that the Old Media believed Obama would reward their obedience and diligence in protecting him by actually treating them like the noble Fourth Estate they believe they are. In his first appearance before them, Obama told them to pound sand. He never needs to worry about his approval ratings or to campaign for office ever again.

He doesn’t need them anymore.

Andrew, believe me when I tell you that we’re not sorry to say, “We told you so.” Enjoy the next four years.

Article Sent in by Tripseven ;-)
Rest of Article and links....

Week End Babes ~ My Booty Edition ;)

 You Know the Drill... ;-)

Sunday Morning Funnies....

On a collision course...

Horses & Goats...

Yes, I Do Realize....

...I Haven't Posted My Usual Beefcakes & Babes...
But I will ;-)

Here's a Teaser.... 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

I Like her :)

"To Obama, From Russia Without Love....
and you can keep the "reset" (actually happened)"
Sweet Grab from Predictable History