Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Still Full of Shit !!

Look Familiar?

Who is this?... hmmm?
There's more to this.... 
but I ain't saying just yet.... ;-)

Well Cheers Then ;-)

Full of Shit is Right...

A Good Boy, As Always... Mmmhm

I Feel Your Pain...

Thank you Irish... Fellow Northerner ;-)

12 Year Old Proves Need for 2nd Amendment

12-Year-Old Defends Herself with Gun, Proves Need of 2nd Amendment

As the left continues to advocate for further restrictions on the Second Amendment, others are using it to save their lives.

This past Wednesday a young 12-year old girl in Bryan County, Oklahoma was able to protect her life when an intruder kicked in her back door and entered her house. Frantically, she called her mother who advised her to grab their household gun, hide in the closet, and call 911.

The intruder made his way through the house, and as he was opening the door of the closet, the young girl shot him through the closet door. The intruder left the house and the girl was found unharmed. The police arrived and took the man into custody.

What would have happened had the girl not been armed? We can’t be sure, but there are far too many stories of young girls being kidnapped, murdered, and raped.

The news is full of crimes and events that could have been prevented—or at least decreased the amount of damage—had there been less gun restrictions. One of the most recent examples is the Aurora, Colorado shooting that occurred back in July.

A masked gunman opened fire at one of the midnight showings of The Dark Knight Rises, leaving 12 dead and 50 injured. One person opened fire, but not one person was armed to protect themselves or others. Aurora citizens are allowed to obtain concealed carry permits, but aren’t allowed to use their weapons. It would have been illegal for anyone to fire his or her weapon in the theatre. The theatre also had a ban on any and all weapons.

I can only imagine if second amendment rights were upheld and protected in Aurora, maybe more people would have been saved. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.

In areas where Second Amendment rights are respected, many lives have been saved in similar instances. About a week before the Aurora shooting, 71-year old Samuel Williams—a concealed gun carrier—opened fire on two intruders in an internet café in Marion County, Florida. One of the intruders was armed with a gun, the other with a baseball bat. Both intruders suffered only minor injuries and were taken into custody.

Luckily, the young 12-year old girl was also able to save herself.

The Left loves to use these instances to lobby for stricter gun laws. Mayor Bloomberg, among many others, advocated for stricter gun laws following the Aurora incident. And, in Tuesday’s presidential debate, President Obama advocated for stricter gun laws:

"What I'm trying to do is to get a broader conversation about how do we reduce the violence generally. Part of it is seeing if we can get an assault weapons ban reintroduced. But part of it is also looking at other sources of the violence. Because frankly, in my hometown of Chicago, there's an awful lot of violence and they're not using AK-47s. They're using cheap handguns."

President Obama tried to make an argument for more restrictions on the Second Amendment, but Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws, and that hasn’t decreased violence.

We will never understand why people go out of their way to harm others, but we have a constitutional right to defend ourselves. We must stand by the Constitution and remember this: guns don’t kill people. People must make the decision to kill others. If I were to ever be in a similar situation as the 12-year old Oklahoma girl, I wouldn’t want to be found empty handed.

Read article Here.
Same Article on other WebSite... very good comments.

"Inconvenient Truth" ~ Let's Put It Out There!! ~ COPY PASTE at the Bottom

Awesome Post by CharlieDelta over at
If I can get more people to do this by posting
your someone else's words here, Charlie.. 

Then so be it... ;-)

FOD: Hey There Voter!

Remember back in August when I posted this and I was all geared up to vandalize remind voters and inform as many gas stations across the county as I could? Well my brother ordered a pack of 100 "stickers" from Amazon that day and had them in his hands two days later, but somehow both of us forgot about it until yesterday when we were doing some work around his house, pounding beers and talking politics. So before I left his house my brother handed me half of the stack, so my mission (as small as it may be) had finally begun.

We were both a little disappointed pissed off that these great little voter reminders were printed on nothing more than fuckin' Post It notes instead of sticker material. WTF! Now they'll be no problem at all for some tinfoil hat-wearing libturd to remove from the pump, but the mission must go on. When I got gas today I placed one of these valuable voter reminders on every pump that wasn't being used. Problem is, it's a little humid and windy today so I don't know how long to expect the notes to stay in place.

To remedy the situation I'll be picking up clear packing tape tonight when I'm out, so future placement will not be affected by weather. The tape will also cause libturds to actually have to put forth some effort to remove this inconvenient truth. As we all know, liberals are excessively lazy assholes who don't want to do any work, so maybe they won't even bother with trying to remove it.

Only 15 days to go until the communist motherfucker occupying the White House is given his notice of eviction. Lots of work to do in the meantime to help make that happen...

Fuck Obama!

For those who want to do this, 
copy paste... You're welcome to it :-)

Hey There, Voter!

Do you remember that on Inauguration Day (Jan 20th) 2009, the national average for a gallon of gasoline was about $1.78? How's that "HOPE AND CHANGE" working out for you?

Anyone BUT OBAMA Nov. 2012

For The Survivors....

Devastating effects of the tornado 
in Wirecutter's part of the world.
Help ease the suffering. 
See the Full Story here. ;-)
Thank you Angel, silly girl ;-)

Monday, October 22, 2012

III Arms ~ When Tyranny Comes Knocking!!

 All IIIArms Links are in my side bar to the right.

Can't be Any Clearer Then That....

Stole this off of AngryMike's 
Hat Tip goes to DoubleTrouble

Don't Try This At Home...

Imagine if there was bacon on there... 
what a waste that would be ;-)


Kinda like that Deer Crossing thing....

Do Not, Turn Your Back to This Guy...

Heed the Warning!!

Yeah... Right, There!!

Oh Deer!!

It's Monday ~ Oh the Woes... :P

Thanks Dave, you made me laugh out loud... ;-)

Redefining ~ Kissing Ass...

Little dude does look comfy....

Fuck That Shit!!!

Thanks for the Pic Angel.