Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Extinction by Procrastination

Celebrating The Cold, Siberian Style ;)

Hopefully this week will be
the last cold streak 'till Fall comes around...

I do Love this pic :-)
Notice how "Clear" the ice is...

Good "Late" Morning :P

~ Confused Serenity ~

Because we had warm summer-like temperatures 
all of last week, 
but last night, and all this week 
it's gonna freeze!!... Grrrrr

Monday, May 13, 2013

~ Fair Haired Strawberry Hotties ~

Field Berries ~ Ripe for the Picking... ;-)

Wild & Juicy Strawberries.... Yum... ;-)

Good Eatings....

Poor Thing Looks Terrified.....

Just Eat The Damn Apple!

For Those of You Who "Work" With Computers....

Your POV?

I've dabbled in all... yeeeah...  Fun Times :/

Yeah. Why The Fuck Is That?


No Really!! I'm Batman!!! Capiche?

Rough Night... Awesome Friends ;)

That better not be My couch!!

More Doggy Heaven.... ;)

Good Morning :)

I know, it's Monday :/
But Sometimes you gotta Smile regardless.... ;-)

My Serenity for Today :-)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day :)

To All my Mommy readers, have a Wonderful Day. 
May you be spoiled and showered with love by your families :-)

And to my Gentlemen readers...
A Happy Mother's Day Wish for your Better Halves, 
and for your Moms.
For all that they have brought to your lives, 
and especially for putting up with y'all  ;-)

Fill it Up...

Friday, May 10, 2013

Have a Great Weekend Everyone.... :)

And Happy Mother's Day!!

Hey AngryMike... ;)

I'm not sure when you're birthday is, 
but I'm getting you this.... Ha!

I Wanna Play....

.....Close your eyes and count to 10 ;-)

Which one is the Fool?...

Cheers ;)

Liberal at Work

Hat Tip goes to Chief Nose Wetter ;-)

Words To Live By... or Not ;)

I would love to Hat Tip, but for the life of me, I can't remember where I grabbed it, and I'm pretty sure I left you a message too, so if "you" read this, you can remind me... ;-)

I've been reminded.... Hat Tip goes to Boilerdoc...;D

TGIF ~ Friday Hot Bods

Look... ;-)

Hope you Like.... ;-)

Fucking Media Circus...

CNN Anchors Pretend They're Having A "Satellite Interview"
Even Though They're In The Same Parking Lot.

“Sorry, we’re experiencing a delay in the broadcast while we both wait for this bus to go by.”

"It seems that Grace and Banfield are sitting in the same parking lot, facing in the same direction, and judging by the speed of the vehicles in their shots, they cannot be sitting more than 30 feet away from each other. Yet, they're behaving as if the are on opposite sides of the world. Here's an artist's representation of the warp in space time punditry."

Now Throw Just One.... ;)

Good ~vs~ Evil

Hat Tip to MikeMiles for the pic :-)

Good Morning World :)

Finally Getting My Spring Rain :-)
Woke up to the sound of raindrops hitting the tin roof over the patio..... 

We were suppose to get some yesterday. Well we did, all of 5 minutes... Grrrr.  Mother Nature was being a fucking tease. At least she's making up for it this morning, Thank God.... All these new sprouts where about to die of thirst. Like I was hoping, it's all gonna green and healthy just in time for Mother's Day :-)

Think Positive....


Somebody should photoshop 
them 2 idiots together....


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Totally Disturbing....

....but what difference does it make??

Snatched from iOwnTheWorld

~ So God Made A Patriot ~

I am HONORED to be in y'all's Company :'-)

Found this Video on the Patriot Action Network

Benghazi Hearings ~ Liberal Logic 101

Benghazi Hearings Non-Event:
The “How To” Tutorial

They don’t call Big Guy the luckiest man 
in the world for nothing.

Can you believe it? Not only did the the Cleveland House of Horrors story break the day before the whistleblowers testimony, butt then the Jodi Arias verdict come down yesterday afternoon too. Don’t ask me who she is or why anyone should care, butt apparently LIV’s (Low Information Voters) have been following her soap opera for months on end and find it far more riveting than the Benghazigate story.

Smart... Real Smart

Who the Fuck makes these up anyways??
Like I don't know the answer ;-)

Deception Revealed!

I Wonder What Caliber?

Oh Look! A Drone!

Good Morning :)

I'm "suppose" to get my spring rain today...
Nothing yet. We'll see. 
I'm off to work for a few hours. Come back soon... 
I'll have more things posted ;-)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Seriously!? What About The 1st Amendment?

Texas Teen Points to Heavens, Gets 4×100 Relay Squad Banned from State Championships

Of the likely places for a debate over religious free expression to erupt, a Texas high school track and field meet probably wasn't high on the list.

Remarkably, that’s precisely where one athlete’s reactionary gesture has led to a broader discussion about what is appropriate at public school events, after a Columbus (Texas) High relay team was disqualified for one of their member’s heavenward gesture. The incident occurred...

Ignorant Prick!!

What I wonder is if this is by choice, or if he's really that ignorant?? I mean, isn't showing Respect to the Flag one of the most basic instincts an American President should have?? And y'all know this is not the only time. 

Snatched from AngryMike, Hat Tip goes to Doug Ross.


Benghazi Hearing Live Streaming....

Watch the Benghazi Hearings Live....

Thanks to Whistleblowers, the Benghazi Trials Begin!

".....Yes, someone is very nervous. This week’s hearings will give us a good idea who that is. Pay attention, America!"

Let It Begin...

~ FUCK 'EM ALL including THE MEDIA ~

Hearings on Benghazi Will Define The Obama Presidency If....

 Sarah Palin posted This on Her FB Page Last Night...

Tomorrow’s hearings on Benghazi will define the Obama presidency if the truth is finally allowed to be told. I encourage everyone to tune in and hear the revelations that are long overdue. We’ll also see whether the president’s reliable lapdog cheerleaders in the media will continue to cover up for him and in so doing disgrace their profession. The following link is to something I posted way back on October 25th of last year asking questions that we should have had answers to long ago. 

- Sarah Palin

There are many questions about the Benghazi attack that Americans deserve answers to. It’s been too long an “investigation” and too tragic for the families of lost loved ones for the White House and its friends in the media to ignore these questions: 

- When and why did the YouTube trailer of the anti-Muhammad movie surface as any kind of credible reason for the attack?

Good Morning :)

I would love to go for a walk here.... :-)