Wednesday, January 23, 2013

More Hypocrisy...

The Right To Hunt?? Seriously?....

Thanks to MikeMiles

Hump Day Reds ~ Longing For Sunny Days

Dreaming of Someplace Warm and Sunny....

Need Some Warm Sunshine.....

Damn It's Cold.....

Woke up to a very chilly igloo this morning...
It's Minus 41 in the wind chill today.
School is out for the first time, and it's not even snowing.
We never got a snow day this year,
but the English school did, 3 in fact... 
Now how is that fare, we live in the same fucking town!!

Thanks for the Pic Angel :-)

Ignorance On A Power Trip

“Gun Safety” ….
~ Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
~ Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
~ Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.
   (Know your target and what is beyond.)

“Gun Control”
~ Always decry the inherent dangers of a firearm, 
   while pointing one at your audience.
~ Always keep your finger on the trigger …. it paints 
   a scarier picture when there’s a gun already pointed at them.
~ Always keep disarmament legislation shelved, 
   until newsworthy mass-murders make them ready for use.
   (Know your audience, and what is beyond their inclination to comprehend.)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

~ Every 20 Seconds ~

Wirecutter Posted these words....

What if people with rifles and shotguns and knives and baseball bats and pistols and swords went on a rampage and killed children in this country and were so demented, so evil and so effective that they murdered one child every 20 seconds...every hour, every day, every month, every year, for four decades. That would mean that almost 56 million children would never grow up and turn out to be whom God had desired. 

If demented evil individuals did that, this country would be at war. It would not be allowed. America would be considered a tyrannical evil country. The President would not allow it and no one else would either. And yet..........they do.

The taking of a human life takes place that often 
and has been since 1973.

~ Every twenty seconds ~

~ True Hypocrite ~


Top Picture from 90NinetyMilesFromTyranny
Bottom from iOwnTheWorld

Somebody Picked the Wrong Girl

And She's a Redhead too... ;-)

Got this link by email
Hat Tip goes to LewRockwell
Thanks :-)

Baaaaaaaaa..... Any Ideas? ;)


oh, and ~ Fuck Obaaaaaaama ~

Lazy Morning....

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Damn it!! It's Too Small...

You Can Still See It :P

Snatched from AngryMike... ;-)

Beautiful Photographic Art

Love the Play of Emotion :-)

Sarah Ann Wright is a previous student of photography and design who conceptualizes all of her work through a dream-heavy looking glass. Her pieces span across the realms of fashion, portrait, landscape and conceptual.

Go Explore....

Hockey Is Back ~ Now More People Can Smile ;)

No Wonder I'm In A Foul Mood...



You're A Smart One... Officer

Make Him Grovel....

Self Explanatory....


Yeah.. I'm in a mood :P

I know, I know the Whiskey's clear...
Same Message... eh ;-)


Congratulations Are In Order.....

And He changed gears Friday... yup....
100,000 Hits, in just a few months.
That's Awesome AngryMike... and ALL uphill from now on. 
You better gear down and start peddling boy... ;-)
Waaait a minute.... I'm way past 100,000... Ha Ha!

That was over 10 days ago :P"' '
And you know I started my blog weeks after you ~grinning~
We'll see who makes it to 200,000 first.....

In all seriousness... Thank you so very much everyone.
Glad you enjoy my dorkiness... 
or at least Something in MyWorld... ;-)
I hope y'all come back and maybe leave a few comments.

And don't forget to visit some of my stickies...

I also added my "Most Popular Posts" to my side bar 
in case y'all hadn't noticed. 
Mostly Babes and Guns... now why am I not surprised.... ;-)
~ Enjoy!! ~

Oh, and bye the way....

    -MissK ;-)



Hat Tip goes to Predictable-History

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Beefcakes ~ Ab Fest!!

Personally I prefer a more natural man, 
and I know I'm not the only one ;-) 

But really, I owe my Lady Readers some serious Eye Candy.
So here's a collection of pics 
Emphasizing some Edible 8-packs

Oh Cranky.... ;)

Are you dreaming Cranky?
Wake up before she gets ya.....


Friday, January 18, 2013

Cute... Wonder Who Is Who's Bitch....

Anyone? Gotta Be An Explanation??

The Crack Spider's Bitch...

Check this out... ;-)

Yep... Racist!!

Here's The List.... I Mean "Photo Op"

Is it just me or is this list "mostly" full of hot air?
With words like... improve incentive, propose, review, clarify, publish a letter, launch a campaign, release a report, direct someone to issue a report, and the ever popular "may"... Seems to me this is mostly about "looking good" in the eyes of his followers.

Or are some of these things really cause for concern??
Please tell me what you think....

List of the 23 Executive Orders is as follows:

1. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system.

2. Address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, that may prevent states from making information available to the background check system.

3. Improve incentives for states to share information with the background check system.

My Contribution....

....To The Friday Niggas Gene Pool
What's this world coming to 
when a 6 year old boy gets suspended from school 
for "acting like the President" ;-)


Wednesday, January 16, 2013