Tuesday, August 4, 2015

~ Reality Check ~


billf said...

Thanks k,good for you.

Anonymous said...

So true ... second hand smoke is dangerous to your unborn child ... but abortion is not only legal, they go out of their way to promote it ? When does a "baby" turn into a "parasite" ?

I'm an idiot, someone has to explain these things to me ...

idahobob said...

And to consider that the FedGov finances these lowlifes...........DAMN them all!


Anonymous said...

I have always found the human capacity to justify any act, no matter how depraved, by simply saying "I WANT" quite remarkable. ---Ray

billf said...

Also,I read somewhere recently that more black babies were aborted in NYC than born... which begs the question-black lives matter-to who exactly?

Volfram said...

It's funny that now that they're embroiled in an organlegging scandal, now Planned Parenthood "aren't" all about baby killing.

Where was that a couple of years ago when Obama was lauding them for it?

Freeza: Oh please, everyone's always on about the children. I already tried leaving them alive, but all they do is grow up under my rule or dedicate their pathetic lives to revenge. Usually both. Really, killing them is a kindness. I can retract that kindness if you wish, but then who's the villain?
Goku: Y...you.

And that's the nerdiest thing that's ever happened on your blog now.