Monday, February 25, 2013

Orbitup ~ Trekking Time!!

Finally home from my Cross-Border Trip 
in the Sunny US of A... according to Orbitup :P

Something has come to my attention....
It appears you've been on a little trip of your own... Orbitup ;D

Perhaps deep in the outskirts of Texas, 
or maybe New Mexico.....

You've had a long day.... 
and stumble on these little goodies o_O

Well known to Jim Morrison as Peyote 
and liable to cause some extravagant types 
of hallucinations....  You know this, 
but decide to indulge regardless.

And there you are.... moments later...

Basking in the Awe of your confusion.... ;-)


orbitup said...

It was great! I found my spirit guide, it's on the top of my blog.

Oh, BTW it's called a 'desert tickler'.

MissK said...

Well, you certainly "look" like you're having a good time ;-)

Anonymous said...

Nice always wanted to try peyote...Is it legal in Canada? Peyote party in the igloo..
