If Anyone Can Name Some of These...
By All Means Do ;-)
Until someone says any different.. they shall be know as...
JEFF .......Remington 700

You Like?....
BOOMER ..Accuracy International .50 BMG.
FLASH ....Mak-90 ? .....Dragunov
SALLY .....Accuracy International MKIII .308
PENIS REPLACEMENT #2 ...Remington 700
1) Steve
2) Jeff
3) Boomer
4) Flash
5) Sally
6) Penis replacement #2
7) Walter
I'm no good at naming guns.
LMFAO That'll work for now :D
I like Steve and the ammo holder on Penis replacement #2 LOL
I like the names you have on them MissK :)
LOL The credit goes to North ;-)
I was thinking of a little game where you give the first name and we pick the gun. If I could spell Russian names...
Yet a different John
Some are easy, some not so much.
Pick the gun or the last name.
(does this qualify me for a DHS list?)
Steve is a Mauser
Jeff is a Remington 700
Penis Replacement #2 not sure with the picture angle but I'm thinging another 700 considering the poor fit of the stock pad and Remingtons recent piss poor QC.
Changed my mind on Penis Replacement #2, now I'm thinkin' a Savage.
Boomer is a Accuracy International (LOL yea it's on the pic)by the size of the mag I'd guess a .50 BMG
In case y'all didn't notice...
This is not one of my regular guessing games. I don't know what these sexy guns are, I just found hot pics of guns and wondered who would know what they are....
Cedar, I will add your answers :-) If I get it wrong, let me know... ;-)
#3 looks like
Steve is a German K98 Mauser, the best Mauser of all......;)
Steve is very Sexy :D
Flash looks like a mak-90 with a replacement stock, PR#2 looks like a Remington 700 as cedar first suggested.
Nice Mauser.
Penis replacement #2 is either a Savage or a Stevens.
Good call on the Stevens Grand.
Stevens 200
I should learn not to mess with HTML. LOL
So, if Steve is a Mauser, shouldn't you change his name to "Mickey"? Mickey Mauser
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