Sunday, December 9, 2012

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Reader Gun Porn..

Here is the first, of what I hope will be many...

A couple pics where graciously sent in to me when I did the last Gun Porn Post. I was amazed by the quality of the craftsmanship so I asked the gentleman in question to send me some information and anything else that would be on topic. So here it is, all put together for your viewing pleasure ;-)

I think this could be very interesting, and as I mentioned before, I am fairly new to the world of guns, so learning about these "beauties" is particularly fascinating for me.

If anyone else is interested in having their "goodies" displayed... please feel free to email. Whatever you feel like sharing is fine. But we are talking about guns here, so no monkey business... ;-)

Feedback Is Good... :)

I do this blog because it's an Escape for me, from the daily grind (no pun intended) and the frustrations of life. I like to make people smile, and even if my blog doesn't have a lot of "blogging" per say, (for now) it obviously has value to some of you, since you keep coming back (Thank You!!) and occasionally grace my pages with your comments ;-)  As for the "blogging" goes... I'm still new to this, and feeling a little "slow to get started", but I have so many things I would like to share, sometimes it takes me a while to organize my thoughts and ideas, and they tend to end up on random post-its, or topic specific notebooks and journals that seem to clutter my life... you can add hundreds of note files on my laptop to this list...  I need an outlet!!... ;-) 

What I am looking forward to sharing is some hobbies that I have. Like I mention in my profile, I'm a do it yourself-er. I would never claim to be an expert on any of these things but I am somewhat of a perfectionist... and a fast learner. So when I do something I like to put my best into it. And new projects are always fun because you get to figure out the "how" then make it happen. And I always say, if someone else can do this, why can't I... Customizing, improving and making things unique is fun for me.. So I save my dollars for what I want and do things my own way.. ;-)

I'm gonna add this link to my sidebar, because I do care what you think... and I've had some ideas sent in by readers, most of the time helpful. Two heads are better then one, right?... so imagine a few hundred :-) Now this is My Blog and like Wirecutter says, "This is a blog and not a forum" so ultimately I will post what appeals to me and hope that somewhat like-minded individual will enjoy it and comment... but I fuel my thoughts and actions on feedback from people, so yes, I do want to know what you think, and if I can add or change something to make things better... hey I'm all for that..  but again on My terms.. ;-)

So thank you to all my reader's and fellow bloggers for visiting my site and making this experience so much more then I ever expected. 

Time To Play... ;)

What is this?...

And we have a WINNER!!
Congrats Orbitup!!  ;-)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Real Food!!!

And A Back Massage To Boot...

Confirm or Deny?

Is this an Urban Legend? 
Any of you have experience with this?...

Boilerdoc Versus The Feral Irishman...


Seems Boilerdoc and Irish are having a little blog war of their own... I wonder if we can trust them to play nice.

Speaking of trust... Hey AngryMike, why don't you get on this ladder here and you can find out how much you can trust your buddies...

I'll hold your beer... ;-)

Where's The Cat?...

Apparently there's a cat somewhere in this picture.
Can you see it?...

Now Where's The Sense In That?...

Snatched from iOwnTheWorld

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Is "Knife Control" Next?

Hat Tip Goes to CharlieDelta ;-)

Check out AngryMike's Rant...
"Ok so a spoiled, rich NFL player shoots his (girlfriend)? (wife)? and then kills himself. You being a political hack for the left, err sportscaster, go on a rant about gun control. Ok, so your the smart leftest who thinks his OPINION is really important, well Bob what about the thousands of ppl who own guns and have never fired a shot in anger? There are plenty of your types who have used knifes, cars and many other devices to kill or hurt ppl, this picture says it all. I have owned guns all my life and never killed anyone, matter of fact I have one locked and loaded on my dresser, for PROTECTION. In the past week there has been a multi killing by crossbow and your partner there used a knife (even though he was found not guilty, does anyone believe it?). So what's the answer genius? Ban all knifes, guns, ballbats, cars and whatever else you can hurt someone with? Oh great sportscaster please tell the unwashed masses..... Fuck you, you leftest asshole, you should be fired, like Hank, for putting politics first, instead of SPORTSCASTING ................"
Very well said Mike.  I saw this guy on tv... DURING  an event, stating HIS "famous last words" and just had to shake my head. I just saw the tail end of it, but thought "how out of place is this"... speaking of.. nice picture.

Gentlemen: I see that you have chosen to use the horrific crime of the murder of Kasandra Perkins to express your belief that guns are the problem, not the men who wield them. I am utterly certain that you believe that you have the moral high ground on this matter. I am equally certain that such a belief is appallingly wrong, not to mention terribly misogynistic. Why do I say this? Because had your desires on gun control been in place, I would not be alive to be writing this now.

I have an Ex. I have an Ex who, in the process of becoming my Ex, made credible threats to kill me. Why did I believe these threats were credible? 

A Little Mind Cleansing...

...For when Things are a little out of whack.

Do your Mind some good...

Monday, December 3, 2012

What A Mischievous Pussy.... ;)

Who knew... ;D

Just saw this over at Pissed and AngryMike's... 
had to Snatch.. ;-) 
Thanks for the laughs guys.. Love it!!

Got Some Funnies For Now...

Things are getting busier as the Holidays are approaching.. I'm not finding as much time as I'd like to post things :-( I owe you all some Hotties, they're staying warm on the back burner for now, got a Reader Gun Post in the works, Some personal stuff too, and of course some ~Fuck Obama~ shit....  I've got really cool emails from some readers that I wanna put out there, I wanna post those as much as I can, and some updates as far as my blog design goes. I'm letting y'all know so I keep myself accountable ;-)

Enjoy the funnies.... 

Makes you wonder if these where not just a little bit intentional.. 

Sounds Good To Me...

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Patience Is A Virtue!

Good Thing You Put Your Hand There BO....

....or else we would have seen your ugly mug.

I doubt y'all mind, I had to stick a Warning on "it"... I was sick of seeing "it" when I scrolled by... ;-)

MissK Can't Catch A Break...


H\T to Irish.. thanks man.. :P

Friday, November 30, 2012

"If" Wirecutter Had A Kid....

Get A Room !!

  My poor little brain...'s not that bad.. honest ;-)


What Da Fuck!?!

How did that happen?...

Kinda like this Tony... :-)

Spot Anything Weird?..

I'm Hungry... For Some Beef... ;)

Been a while...

Can You See It ?

No Words.....

Thursday, November 29, 2012

"The World" According To Americans... LOL

I Found this Map on a French site, like "France" French :-)
I think it's pretty cute. It's very simplistic and "mostly" true...

Hey, they're saying Americans think Canada is "uninhabited"...
well except for my igloo ;-)
Thank God I have nice neighbors like you guys, 
or else I'd be all alone.

Hmm... so what else do you guys think about the world?? :-)

Translation, using THIS map of course.
Angel, that would be Père Noël, not Pare Noel... it's on the map girl.. ;-)  I translated your faves below... I'll add US and Canada.

What the Map says        Translation                 Real Name
État d'Amérique              USA                            USA
Encore l'Amérique          More US                     Alaska
Plus d'Amérique             Even more US            Hawaii 
inhabité                           uninhabited                Canada
Père Noël                       Santa                         The North Pole
Chochottes                     Wusses                      Europe
Animaux pour le zoo       Zoo Animal supplier    Africa

Translated the rest of the "colorful blobs" as Mike Miles put it..;-)
Ils font nos ménages et tondes nos pelouses = They do our housework and mow our lawns.

Le café vient de la je crois = Coffee comes from there I think.

La croisière s'amuse = Where cruise ships have fun.

Méchants = Bad people

Les bombes vont là = Bombs go there.

Communistes = Communist... dah!!

Télés et caméras = TVs and cameras

Ils fabriques nos trucs = They make our stuff

d'autres méchants = More bad people

Centres d'appels = Calling centers

froid = cold

Kangourous = Kangaroos  ...again, dah!!

Update To Gun Ban List !!

~ UPDATE!! ~ 
The LEAKED Gun Ban List is NOT REAL... 
please read this Link for the explanation. 
I apologize for helping spread incorrect information... 
It may only be a matter of time, but this time is not it.

Thank you CharlieDelta for the Heads Up.

'Efin Snow!!

Woke up to a lovely layer of the cold stuff...

My puppy is enjoying it... just a little too much... ;-)