Tuesday, November 4, 2014

I Blinked...

The days seem to be going by so fast lately.
It's a double edged sword...

We had our first winter storm over the weekend.... fall is no more :(  Reminded me that I'm missing a few Canadian basics, some of which got lost in "Transition". Warm gloves and an ice breaker are a definite must. Perhaps a little compensation for going cold turkey on the wood chopping ;-)

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Needing Some Serenity...

And a better pic then the Pompous Ass to top my blog
while I take care of a few things... :/

Monday, October 13, 2014

Fucked Up Priorities...

You Pompous Ass!!!

Source: iOwnTheWorld

Are You Ready?

~ Thanks to Bob for The Pic ~

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Monday, October 6, 2014

Sunday, October 5, 2014

October Reds ~ MissK Style

What would Fall be without a Little Red, eh ;-)

I do like her... Sword :-)

BTW, first pic happily snatched from Irish :D

Sweet Dreams...

Nighty Night.... ;-)

Stevie ~ The Younger Years

Demented from the start... ;-)

I attempted to establish the origin of your "Dirty Mind" here...
But upon further examination, I have to conclude
you where born that way.... ;D

Ahh.. Refreshing ;)

Bring On The Heat Gun...

Cuz this Damn Fucking Glue is sticking all My Pages.... :/


Friday, October 3, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

My Lucky Dog ~ Right at Home

Chewing gum amongst the weeds ;-)

so I figured I'd share a current one, doggy drool and all...

Ain't He Handsome :D

Oh Shit! Look at the Time...

Flick da Switch!

Sooner of later, it's bound to happen, eh ;-)

Not A Damn Thing!!!

It's all relative....
And possibly my most productive week eva!!!

Good Morning :)

This is what the trees look like in these parts.
Minus the nekkid ones, still too early for those...
I would love to get lost in there ;-)

Monday, September 22, 2014

I Got a bit of a Boot Fetish....

Some of My Favorites... ;-)

Good Morning :)

Time for Bed... You're Next...

Sweet Dreams ;-)

My Lucky ~ The Bratty Years ;)

It's my baby's Birthday today, well the 21st. He turned 8.
And he's still as naughty as ever, in a good way :-)
He's awesome, and really big :D

He kinda makes me feel like this... ;-)

Lucky ~ My Little Horse <3

I wanted to post some of his puppy pictures,
but the old computer is not hooked up yet.
When I get to it, I will share some :-)

Dear Lord...


Even At 3am... :P


Um... Uh... Umm... Um... Uh...


And I Thought Lap Dogs Where Annoying...

Issues Much?!