Sunday, September 9, 2012

In keeping with the theme of the day....

This pic was taken at St.Peter's Bascilica in Vatican City.
Approriate much?
A blog warming gift from Deb. Thank you girl ;-)


hiswiserangel said...

Follow the yellow dick road...

Anonymous said...

I think someone needs to FedEx Miss K a man....

Miss Violet

rpm2day said...

Yep, we Dagos are all about that stuff!

Kinda small, though. Must be Autumn.

angrymike said...

Y-all messed up, ya know that????? ;-)

MissK said...

Maybe so AngryMike, but ain't it fun ;-)

MissK said...

Interesting concept Miss V, I wouldn't object... ~grinning~

Wiserangel, you always make me giggle girl ;-)

hiswiserangel said...

We're messed up?!
Oh now you've done it, gone and pissed off a horny redhead, angrymike... don't think you remember much from that time you spent with one. ~looking for something to throw~

Miss V, it's called the Dude of the Month club, delivered fresh to your door.

rpm, Italian? Really? ~sending myself to the Naughty Corner~

Deb said...

Wonder if there are more visitors on sunny days.

MissK said...

And probably at dusk or dawn, when "the phenomena" is at it's peak.