
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

~ Sweet Dreams ~

Looking up at the night sky has always been cleansing for me.
I find Andromeda most fascinating...


  1. During the year I spent in Vegas, I used to sit out at night and gaze at the stars, always in awe of how infinite (and clear) the night sky is... Now that I'm back in the city of Corruption, the nighttime skies are never that clear!


  2. Good night sweets...

    "Old, but I'm not that old
    Young, but I'm not that bold
    And I don't think the world is sold
    I'm just doing what we're told..."

  3. I used to love dog watch on a fishing boat , everybody was asleep and the stars were so bright and sky so clear I felt I could fall in. Catch Mars or Venus in the rigging and watch it ride up the line of the rope. On dead calm nights the sea looks like the sky and the sky the sea, with only the glow of the plankton in your wake letting you know you hadn't sailed off the edge of the earth. Good Morning sweetie--Glad your back----Ray

  4. "Kinda" back... I'm not putting pressure on myself to be consistent, but I miss you guys too much to stay away any longer... I need the interactions, and if someone is not ok with that, well too bad :P

    Good Morning Ray, I really like your little story :-)

  5. Good Night :-)
    Good Morning :-)
    Good Day MissK :-)

    In the wee early years my family use to lay on the porch and see who could find the russian satilites first moving across the sky, they were echo 1 and echo 2 i believe

  6. Always been more of a cassiopeia man myself but to each his own.

    Good to hear from you again and have a good morning.

    NĂ­ thugann rud ar bith ach seal.

  7. I love camping out under the stars without a tent over me, so that when I wake up in the middle of the night, each star seems to be the size of a quarter. When you are high up in altitude and no reflective light around from "civilization", it just amazes me just how many stars I can actually see.

    And fyi, I am overjoyed that you are posting again!


  8. It's been too long since I visited, hadn't realized you were 'gone' but for the record I'm very pleased with any regular appearance or post...Main question I have, which will sound strange I guess. In your text at beautiful pic post of Andromeda Galaxy, you use the word 'most' - I'm curious whether in the context in which it was used you were thinking 'most' like in the best, or your favorite for instance, or 'most' as in very, especially, etc. You may not understand what I mean - could be a distinction without a difference but I think the difference is substantive...Just curious because there are so many 'best' i.e. possible favorites from which to chose, Andromeda being among them...No, not stoned, lonely and bi-polar maybe but not stoned, damn...

    Punta Gorda, FL

  9. The Pleiades or seven sisters, daughters of Atlas and Pleione, always watched out for by Orion the hunter.

  10. Bet you see more up there in Cananida.
    Especially from the Igloo.
    Here where I live closer to the city, the lights and maybe some smog overcast. I don't see them as clearly as I would like...nice pic..
    Now go chop a hole in the lake and go skinny dipping;)

  11. Good to have you back if even for a tiny bit.

    Sorry, Guttridge, but the Echos were US communications satellites. We used to look for them too when I was a kid. The Sputniks were the Commie ones. I think that both Echoes reentered the atmosphere and burned up in the late '60s. I forgot all about them until you brought them up. Thanks. Brings back fond memories of when I was young.

    See, MissK, you do good with even tiny posts.

  12. Thanks for correcting this old mind of mine taminator013. Guess used to look for them all in the 50's and 60's . that was the only years it was good as a family.
    Good Morning MissK :-)


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