
Thursday, January 2, 2014


Someone once asked me "Are you happy?"

I couldn't answer him...

Someone once told me "I want what you have"
She assumed I had it good, Because mine didn't cheat...
If only he would.

I was in denial... I set my daughter aside
for "the sake of peace" biggest regret :'(

Someone reminded me about Priorities... 
He opened my eyes... I'm forever grateful

I've always tried to avoid getting too personal on the blog, but honestly it has been a godsend, a place I could express myself in ways that "real life" never allowed me to. I got to surround myself with good hearted people that welcomed me, and my quirks with open arms... Can't tell you how much that means to me.

I don't know what this year will bring, as far as one day to the next goes, but things WILL change. They ARE changing. We all know change can be painful but I'm taking it one day at a time and keeping my eye on the prize... 

I'm working on major decluttering these days. Physical and emotional clutter. There's too many things I've been holding on to "in the hopes of..."  I have to let go of past hopes and relearn to live in the moment for my daughter's sake, for my sake. 

I know I need My World, for many reasons and even thought I haven't been posting lately, I look at it, and think about all of you often. I'm not going anywhere (where the blog is concerned), but the ride might get a little bumpy for a while, as what and when I post usually reflects some parts of my life. I hope y'all will bare with me and stick around for My 2014 Journey :-)


  1. I hope you find it in the New Year.Whatever it is you are looking for.

  2. I don't know what's going on in your life, but I hope that it turns out better for you in the year to come.

  3. God speed on the journey. Be good to is the only way to real happiness.

  4. Best of luck on your journey. I look forward to seeing you post when you can.

  5. Hope you find what you are looking for. Said another way, be careful of what you wish for. Prayers for you and your daughter.

  6. Heavy post today.
    Good luck with all of this.
    Check out OK Go - This too shall pass on utube. I think it will put a smile on your face.

  7. Right on girl!
    If you're not on the right path,get off it!
    I know my support doesn't put money in the bank,but you have my support for whatever you end up doing.Remeber,a bad deal is NOT better than no deal at all.

  8. Bonne Année MissK, we will be here whenever you want to post. We hope that all works out well for you and yours.

  9. I was a lot happier once I came to the acceptance that there is only one person you can make happy and you see him/her in the mirror in the morning.

    john in SD

  10. I wish you luck on this journey you and your daughter are undertaking, and hope you find happiness wherever you land.........;)

  11. I can't type a comment that's equal to those already posted, so I'll just say remember the good points of life. :)

  12. Miss K: My hope is that 2014 brings you joy. But, it may not come in the way you expect it. Sometimes the best things creep up on us unaware. Stay open to the possibilities.

  13. Pain is part of life, If you cannot feel it you are dead. Joy is still there, so is love and happiness. Contentment and passion might be hiding for a while , but they'll be back. You have your Munchkin and you have hope. With that anything is possible -----Ray

  14. Everything can be fixed. EVERYTHING. Sometimes I can't fix it, but God puts those who can in my path. Sometimes God Himself fixes it. He'll fix things you didn't know were broken. Everything can be fixed.

  15. Miss K: Although I'm a fairly new reader to your postings, I enjoy them very much. If at any time you would life to read my thoughts on Life and its Pitfalls (which many of us encounter) they may be viewed on my weblog,
    Take care because others care....
    Kenn aka Keeper

  16. MissK,

    Your blog, along with a few others, is where I turn to for therapy! I really hope everything works out for you...

  17. May love and laughter light your days,and warm your heart and home.May good and faithful friends be yours,wherever you may roam.May peace and plenty bless your worldwith joy that long endures.May all life's passing seasonsbring the best to you and yours!
    - An old Irish blessing

    We all love you! :)

  18. Well sweetheart, the first thing is, I'm glad to see you back posting.

    The second thing is, I hope and pray that the changes that you are doing, and about to do, will take you to where you want to be.

    Anything more that I could say would start sounding mushy, so I will leave you with this:

    May the blessings of each day be the blessings you need most,
    May the most you wish for be the least you get,
    May the Lord keep you in His Hand and never close His fist too tight


  19. Wow Jon, you see the creepy guy hiding behind the shower curtains, too? They told me he was imaginary! NOW I'LL SHOW THEM!

    When life gives you lemons, PUNCH LIFE IN THE FACE!

    And then take the lemons. Because lemons are tasty.

    After being repeatedly punished no matter what it does, you will have reduced Life to a shambling, paranoid heap, and it will have learned that it should not mess with you.

  20. As GTrick said, indeed we do all love you! Take your time, take care of business and take care of yourself and your daughter. We will still be here whenever you feel like sharing. We are friends, lean on us if you want or need to. We have big ears and big hearts! ;-)

  21. Someone much wiser than me told me " the best revenge is living well"
    live your life for you and your daughter and let the rest of them disappear into your past, never to be thought of again!

    best wishes for the new year!!

  22. I will never leave your blog MissK:)
    A lot of your content makes me laugh in the morning when I roll out of bed. I'll be here for your 2014 Journey :-) and beyond. Count on it.
    Remember-Jump out of the box-Life is short-Have as much fun as you can.
    Roll a joint with that Canadian Kind Bud once in a while;D Ohhh and you owe me-But I forget what for...Remind me please...


  23. I have the urge to plant a wet kiss on that pretty neck!


  24. Looks like we're all here for you. Please include me it that.

  25. There are many things which could be said. Trying to make one feel better about themselves to pontificating about the meaning of life. But the only thing that matters is that "Life is a test. IT IS ONLY A TEST." Live your life well and with honor. God's blessings will follow.

  26. YOu never mention the word "God" once in your heart felt post above... "godsent" is not the same...

    As long as you see all your unmeasured blessings as a lonely struggle, it'll be hard... But I think you know you are not alone, nor lonely, but blessed... Your spirit is not one... Ask your daughter, those you love, or all who love you here...

    Make it an awesome New Year of God's blessings... ;-)

    Happy New Year, Dear soul...

  27. BTW, As you probably can predict, I did write couple hugely critiqual of your post here... But I deleted them..
    knew you won't publish them anyway... and rightly so...

    You are soo cute...

  28. And we're back to assuming eh James... aka WB ;-) You know you make me smile :P

    The thing is, I know I am blessed in many aspects of my life, especially with my daughter. And I do believe that God brings people into our lives for many reasons. As one of the Quotes above says "We met for a reason, either you're a blessing or a lesson". Ultimately I feel that everyone is a blessing in "some" aspect, whether they remain part of our life or not.

    This post is not about me despairing, but more a bout me realizing, and saying out loud, that some of my past hopes were profoundly misplaced. Good intentions will only take you so far if you surround yourself with people who don't have your best interest at heart. This post is about standing up, taking back my life, and protecting what is most valuable to me....

    I do have a plan... A happy future in sight for my daughter and I, and even if some parts are still a little blurry in my mind, I have faith... One day at a time, one step at a time... I will get there....

    What doesn't kill you makes your stronger, right ;-)

    I am gonna try and post more, because I terribly miss it....
    And I wanna thank everyone for their love and support, it means the world to me <3
    I know I am not alone ;-)

  29. do what makes you more fulfilled, if it is posting more, then do it.

  30. and again... just tell me which body to float down the river Darlin.

  31. A little Foo for you

    Everyone's got their chains to break
    Holdin' you

    Were you born to resist, or be abused?

    Is someone getting the best
    The best, the best, the best of you?

    Parting thoughts
    "Live life like somebody left the gate open"

    Have a good New Year


  32. Godspeed on your journey. I enjoy your posts and hope for the best for you and your girl.

  33. And a great big hug from England, I would not have guessed but have been there myself. Stay strong and work on it, our thoughts are with you.

  34. Be well, K. We'll still be here for you. Best of luck to you.

    Whitehall, NY

  35. Keep smiling. It's all good. :)

  36. I have a little sticker in a notebook that I carry with me that I believe applies here.

    "Don't let the Bastards get you down"


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