
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Propelling The "Victim" Mentality...

~ Dependency Agenda ~

Snatched from Blue's Blog

Fuck That Shit!!!


  1. The people who are putting them in front of schools would.

    In fact, many do. Proudly.

  2. The ones that do I call


  3. It is a mental disease...
    In our area, local politicians went on the spending spree and later congratulated themselves for creating a green zone. This going through the worst neighborhoods. With all beautiful lights, manicured lawns, playgrounds, parks, bike paths, etc...
    Now they are simply surprise that the whole Green zone has turned into rubble, like the rest of the city -- an open area for criminals, gang shootings, murder and rape... the place itself looks like Detroit again...
    One of the politician ladies here was actually surprise that such a beautiful place turned into shit after only couple of years. Asking who would destroy such a beautiful place...
    yeah these folks are not all there...

    Rest of us knew it was a billion D waist of money...

  4. James Butler: one of my roommates is a liberal, and any time I try to bring up a pattern where past events have produced typical results, he accuses me of "Slippery Slope" fallacy.

    Seriously. I brought up that historically, gun registration has ALWAYS led to confiscation, and he interrupted me to invoke Slippery Slope. I had to berate him most severely and threaten to exit the car we were in before he was willing to admit that there was even a correlation.

    One of the requirements for being a Liberal is that you must refuse to learn from past events.

  5. those who enter a school to kill and maim are bey9ond sick, they are evil. i accept evil exits, often looks normal, but it gives off warning signs.

  6. Geeze, haven't you Neanderthals been listening to the wonderfully enlightened California Senator Diane Feinstein? "If an armed intruder sees that no one is armed, why he'll just put down his weapon and surrender. It's human nature!"
    Before you get excited, the quote is accurate to the best of my recollection, and the paragraph containing her quote was HEAVY sarcasm. Weapons grade stupidity of that magnitude would, in a perfect world, result in extreme pain.


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