
Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween Hotties ~ Vampy Style ;)

Had Some Treats Left ;-)



  1. I'm pretty certain I dated some of them in collage. --Ray

  2. To tell the truth,I'm not really into the current 'vampire culture'thing,but I do like the first picture with the blood running out of the pretty girl's eyes.
    Does thst make me a bad person?

  3. Not at all Billf :-)
    I really like the artsy side of 'em, and the girl with the awesome backside freaks the hell out of me ;-)

    Ray, I got a feeling many others share that sentiment, you poor things ;-)

  4. Well I got lucky too. I met a woman who was strong willed. Super smart, and very much a "type A" Who has her own opinion ,her own money,and her own ideas. A twisted snarky sense of humor("if people could hear what I was thinking they'd smack me")and an Iron will.(My mom says that putting up with me makes her eligible for sainthood)--Far cry from the dancers, models, "music chicks" and psyco's of my early 20's---Ray

  5. Missk,your reply made me scroll through the pics again to see what you meant.The first couple times through,I had never even noticed her face;that IS a freaky picture,isn't it?

  6. I love vampire chics. My favorite is Kate Beckinsale from the movie UnderWorld....Now you got me started.

  7. And I like the pretty girl with the messed up make up, determined look and letter opener. Love it actually.


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