
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What's YOUR Day Like?

Now say it with Gusto... ;-)

I Feel Like SHIT!!!  :D

Anyone else?

"It takes 17 muscles to Smile, and 43 to Frown"  
Make it easy on yourself... Smile more ;-)


  1. I greet everyday in the new year as a day to prepare that is all

  2. I feel like shit, too! *super big tight hugs with a twist*

  3. you don't look so hot either :)

  4. Yeah, but other than you all, I keep it to myself! Thank god for you all !

  5. timbo, darlin', we're gonna have to work on that... y'all. Say it with me "y'all". ;-D

  6. You will have to come and feel to get an answer


  7. Man alive..... I FEEL GREAT! After 26 years of marrage my wife and I had a child( I'm 54 shes six ) I'v had cancer twice and beat it. My pickup is payed off, my home warm and dry and I have a full pantry. I got beer in the fridge wine in the celler and Top shelf booze in the cubberd. I live in an open carry state where I almost never see a cop. Buck up cher, things could be one hell of a lot worse. Ray

  8. Love the early morning optimism Ray ;-)

    I hope y'all realize this post is loaded with sarcasm. I have had to "fake it till you make it before" but I generally have a positive outlook on life. I guess I kinda related to this, in the sense of sticking with something, even if it's not always easy.

  9. "Fake it till you make it" and I thought we were having a genuine meaningful relationship, are you just using us? :(

  10. OMG Millwright... just laughed out loud 'till my tummy hurt... and still laughing. Yes of course I'm using you all for my own pleasure, what did you think I was doing? ;D

    Don't be sad... I promise you, it's worth it :D OUCH!! My tummy....

  11. Well then, what's the "safe" word
    let us use "100,000" as the safe word :)

  12. MissK is getting awfully close to that milestone, isn't she? We'll have to throw her a 100K party.

  13. Sure 100,000 it is, but you can only use it one time ;-)

  14. Only if you're my bartender Angel ;-)

  15. I need to come up with some signature cocktails for all of us, huh? Can you just imagine the CharlieDelta? Or the angrymike? How about the orbitup? I know the MissK will be a pretty pink and deceptively strong...

  16. I see your creative gears are already turning... and I love it!! :D

    You are the best Mixologist I know... Shall we put our heads together on this one? Pretty please my dear? ;-)

  17. should have some free time next week. :-)

  18. Wiser - What, and lead people to think I'm a Texan!
    I may be full of shit, but I aint no Texan! ;)

  19. Decided I should add this: Take it easy. I know how y'all feel about yer state. Just teasin.

  20. timbo, I already like you, so you're forgiven. Just don't make it a habit. :-)

  21. Frowning is my exercise program.


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