
Monday, November 6, 2017

Headed Back to Canada...

Loaded up
& ready to hit the road in the morning.

...But the Nature of my Trip shall remain a Mystery ;-)


  1. ...But the Nature of my Trip shall remain a Mystery ;-)

    No, no, don't do that to your faithful readers. We'll die if we don't find out what's going on..........................

  2. I hope you had a good time.

    BTW: I am just glad to see you post again. I would like to see more of your place in the woods.

  3. where ever you are going and however you are getting there please stay safe!

  4. Where you have been and watcha been doing is your biz and not ours.

    If it remains a mystery, so be it. You have your private life just like we do. I do not share everything with everyone, and if you do not, I honor that.

    Have a safe trip home. :-D


  5. Glad to see you are taking your fur with you - I hear it gets pretty cold up there in the northland...........;-)


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