
Monday, October 12, 2015

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

Sorry ;-)

No turkey dinner for me this year,
just home made poutine with the daughter :-)


  1. I thought you guys are moose on Thanksgiving !!

  2. This is Columbus Day.

    Thanksgiving isn't until the end of college football.


  3. Canadian here. Happy Thanksgiving in return. Not a fan of moose. Elk and deer are fine. Ptarmigan are good. Turkey is traditional.

  4. I would eat poutine with you and consider it a holiday!!
    Happy Thanksgiving doll.

  5. And a Happy Thanksgiving to you! Enjoy your poutine (and I am so jealous!)

  6. When I went to university in the States I explained to am American classmate that we had our thanksgiving in October because winter comes soooo much earlier in Canada.

  7. poutine is french fries covered in some cheese like substance with gravy poured over it. Absolutely no calories or cholesteral involved.

  8. Happy Happy Joy Joy! Happy Happy Joy Joy ! Happy Happy Joy --JOYYYY!--Ray

  9. What would your mother say? Things may or may not be a little austere but there is always something to be said for tradition. Perhaps a bit of normalcy in a sea of chaos might be just what the Dr. ordered. Especially if it can be a time of togetherness and teaching of from generation to another. I hope everything is well.

  10. I'm sorry Miss K, I could have sworn I came here to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. Well, consider done now.

  11. Happy belated T-day, Miss K! I would have been here sooner but someone tried to slip tofu into my poutine and I had to track him across a vast and arid wasteland to exact an appropriate punishment. Just got back!


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