
Thursday, August 13, 2015

Something To Think About...

I was searching the blogsphere and came across the following quote:

"What we remember is not what actually happened,
not history, but those hackneyed impressions they tried
to hammer into our memories by constant repetition.”
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, GULAG Archipelago

It got me thinking about how skewed the perception of history is these days.
How much of it is agenda driven. How much is forgotten or purposely set aside...


  1. Definitely.

    A great endorsement for doing your homework and thinking for your self.

    Learned a lot about our Civil War (Yankee by birth and heritage) that makes me think the Johnny Rebs weren't that wrong and Honest Abe wasn't.

  2. The first thing evil does is change history. Nobody WANTS to remember the genocide of the first nations. We ignore the fact that "carpet bombing" killed more civilians that the combined military dead of the twentieth century. They don't want to know that WW1 only "ended" in central Europe for a brief twenty five years, but raged almost unabated in much of the world thru out the twentieth century, and in some places well into the twenty first . We "change" the truth to "end" blood shed and conflict when in fact the wars rage for decades after the "end". We just throw our sins down the memory hole and pretend we are blameless. We abort babies, create terror networks ,murder, invade and undermine G_D. We have built the most offensive Nazi like police state in all history ,and pretend we are the land of the free. If history were known to the sheep, how many could read it and live with the horror?---Ray

  3. There are claims of a War on Women, a War on Morality, and there is of course the War on Drugs and War on Poverty. One could argue even the War on Terror (now that free thinkers are considered "terrorists")

    The real wars are the War Against Memory and War Against Happiness.

    Without fear and anger, politicians have NOTHING. Such trances are easy to destroy, so they cannot have inconvenient facts coming out either.


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