
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A Message To My Readers

I have a few words I'd like to share with my readers. Don't worry, It's not bad ;-)

Those of you who have been around for a while know that MyWorld has gone trough changes. I've always been a little random about the things I choose to post, that part still works for me because many things interest me. But clearly something doesn't work at the moment, or I'd be posting way more. I've been contemplating over this for a while, because I really do care about my blog, and it's presence online. And I am sad that MyWorld has fallen short of what I know it can be. It's "My World" and MY Responsibility to make it work.

My life has really changed lately, including my reasons for posting. I use to crave posting as a way to "Escape". That need is no longer there, since I'm finally in a place where "My Rules" apply in real life. I have so much to look forward to, and the only person standing in my way is myself. I know better now, and I'd like to have my wings back, thank you ;-)

As far as my blog goes, I've come up with a basic plan. A little more structure, that's all. Something I've avoided in the past.

I have different goals now, and they do include a blog I can enjoy. So I will focus on posting more often. I have lots of material, and I'm constantly collecting things I stumble on in the interest of sharing them. I just need to take the whip out on myself, so to speak. Find a format that works for me, in the life I have now, and get posting.

Obviously, I'll be tweaking a few things over time. I wanna bring back some favorites, and hopefully share more personal stuff as time goes on. No pressure, just LIFE <3

And way more posting ;-)


  1. Sounds like you're getting you life in balance. That's a good thing!
    If it coincidentally causes you to post more, that's an even better thing!

  2. After 6 years of this, I still enjoy it. Keep it fun My Girl.

  3. Life is always an interesting journey. It's what you do at that moment you're in it that matters. The past is what was. Can't change it. The future is not known. Sometimes we stumble along until a direction is chosen or something helps us choose a direction. Good luck !!

  4. No worries or pressures here - its YOUR blog. Its supposed to be fun - what is the point otherwise ?

  5. I enjoy reading whatever it is that you post,whenever you get the chance.
    The only pressure here is from you,so ,take it easy,be yourself,and we'll enjoy it as you dish it out.
    Glad you'll still be here.

  6. Well, its about time !!! New life, new rules !!

  7. You got it, AngryOne ;-) :P

    Thanks Billf, that's the plan ;-)

    Exactly Anon :-)

    Wise words Irish, so true :-)

    You're an inspiration Odie ;-)

    Win Win, eh Proof ;-)

  8. Have fun and don't worry about pleasing anybody but yourself. I'll keep looking in and I'm sure a lot of others will too as we enjoy doing so.


  9. Amusez-vous bien, MissK - nous lirons toujours ;)

  10. No matter keep writing and I'll keep reading and commenting! :-D

    As far as I can tell, the changes in your personal life have been for the better!

    Drive on!



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