
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sweet Dreams...

Nighty Night.... ;-)


  1. I see we share insomnia-SIGH-Lovely down by the river. I just walked the dog at 0300 and we have our first big frost. Kind of a surprise to see before Halloween as we seldom get temps this cold before November. The Coyotes have decided to join Owl in a sing-a-long in the creek bottom. It sounds like 200 of 'em out there. Sounds like they made a kill so they'll be at it till dawn--night K sleep well---Ray

  2. Thank you Keads :-)

    That sounds all too familiar Ray... with a few extra loons ;-)

  3. Would really love to have that classic Chris Craft tied up to the end of a dock. But alas, I will just have to settle for a drift boat on our river.

    As for me, I will have to wish you a very good morning! ;-)



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