
Friday, August 29, 2014

I Hit My Million :)

....a few days ago, I popped in itching to post something, hadn't in a while. Then noticed my hit counter and gasped. I must have past the Million mark the night before. Got my little screen cap, and forgot about it for a bit. Then I got to thinking... 

2 years have gone by since I made My First Post. My daughter is about to start her last year of high school. My little girl ain't so little anymore. Let's just say I had a lot of rethinking to do over the past while. Things had to change, and they definitely have. 

I have to admit, I lost myself over the years. At some point, My World was the only thing that was Truly Mine. At times I had to fight really hard to keep it alive, but in my heart, I knew I needed it, so I held on. Even if I had to stop and refocus a bunch of times. Hey, what's a Unicorn without a few Vanishing Acts, eh ;-)

With that said, I don't wanna linger on the hard times. Life is too precious.
I would rather move forward, enjoy the now and focus on the future. 

I did have an Awesome Month Long Vacation :-)
Got to relax and enjoy the quiet... 

Had some very interesting adventures...

And got to do really fun things :D

Don't ask... :P

And sleep, lots and lots of sleep ;-)

I know I've been very inconsistent for a while :(
so thanks for lighting a fire under me,
and letting me know y'all still like it here ;-)

~ This on's on me ~

My World shines brighter
because you're here ;-)

I know, I'm a dork :P

~ Good Night ~
& Thanks for the Million ;-)


  1. It's OK to be a dork. I are one too. ;-)

    Glad to be a part of your world. You are a part of mine.


  2. A friend of mine always closes his emails with a philosophical quote,here's one that I love,"Surround yourself wth people who uplift you"...the opposite is also true.
    You've done the right thing,you feel better already!!
    I always look forward to reading,whatever you're thinking about.

  3. Of course we still like it here! ;-) And, NO, you're not a dork!

    You've had the strength to stand up and take your life back, and raise your daughter at the same time. No one that has been here for any length of time would ever be able to call you a dork. ;-)

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Aww... Thank you Bob, ever so sweet :-)

    John... Blushing ;-)

    Wise friend, I do feel better Billf. This scenario has it's own set of challenges, what part of life doesn't, but I'd ratter be in the driver's seat :-)

    Thank you Keads :-)

    Back at ya Stevie, you pretty much crushed me on the numbers, Newbie :P
    ...and I still owe ya ;-)

    Thanks for the mental image, Odie :D

    But I like being a dork Navy ;-)
    ...and you are sweet to say that :-)

  5. Glad you are back and getting things settled. I feel better now knowing I wasn't the only one stopping by to see if you were back, didn't wanna be a stalker, y'know. Congrats on the million.

  6. Congratulations on your first million. Plan on a very busy year with your daughter, been there did that with twins.


  7. hey Special K.. glad yr back in harness...Stability can be good for you in small doses. We need another attractive lady doing Conservative politics or some variation of it. Just a thought.

  8. Hey I'm one-in-a-million! Should I feel special, or not? hmmmm....

    Congrats on achieving your 1st million--on to the next one!

  9. Having come to understand how deeply you value your privacy and your peace, I am tickled to death that you decided to keep posting. Your window allows me to see the world in ways I never have, from a perspective I never saw before. You never cease to amaze me with glimpses of talents I don't have, and would never have dreamed of had you not shared them with me. Thank You "K" ---Now I gotta go walk the dog (and get the Munchkin to turn down "Power Rangers")----Ray

  10. Congratulations! If I may channel Sally Fields for the moment: They like you! They really like you!

    We now return to our regularly scheduled programming...

  11. Excellent post, MissK! And may your next million views come faster than the first million...! =)

  12. I think that about 250,000 of those hits were from me checking for your return to the land of the living. Mighty glad to have you back.......

  13. Congrats! Nothing wrong with being a dork, in some ways that means you're more normal than most of society, which is part of the reason many of us stop by. :)

    Have a great weekend, keep on keeping on. :)

  14. So, you've finally hit the million mark, well its about time !!! Congratulations, now you need to get to 2 million before me....... So, last one too 2 million is a really rotten egg...... :-p

  15. oh Boys... First one "too" 2 million eh? ~snort~

    Too-too-tooting your horn again AngryOne :D

    Well One, Too, Tree... I bet it's me :P"'

  16. One day at a time Fireguy... and I have no issues with a little "Blog Stalking" ;-)

    A busy year it will be Jack. One thing that will help is my current location. I use to live more than 10 miles from her school, now we're less then a mile away :-)

    I like that thought AHH!! ...I need to set aside more time to read up on what's been going on. Kindov out of the loop, and we all know MSM is not worth shit. I'll get back into the fray over time :-)

    Yes, yes you should John... ;-)

    I'm not sure what to say to that, Ray
    I can tell you I always look forward to read what you share, and you've brought many smiles to my days :-)

    Aww thank you Proof, that's sweet... it's nice to see I'm not the only goof around ;-)

    Thank you Jon :-)
    I have to agree on your last part... since AngryOne "ASSUMES" he can beat me TOO it... ;-)

    Wow Taminator, that might come in handy for my next Million ;-)

    Don't wanna be part of the crowd, that's for sure Grog :-)


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